Nuclear Apple/Pepper Wine Label Contest

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All right.............

Now ya got me going.............

Really nice Jobe!

Appleman, I think so far all these wine labels are really good. I don't envy anyone who is going to judge the winner!
jobe05 said:
All right.............

Now ya got me going.............


Reminds me of the commercials on TV now where they breathe out and fire shoots out so they talk breathing in! Both of them are excellent Jobe!
Well................................. sigh........................

That was yesturday............. doesn't take much to get me to stop either.....
Edited by: jobe05
wade said:

Thanks Wade! I didn't have time to get into the Christmas decorating contest and it's been a little slacked this week at work (shhhh don't tell anyone).
I'm actually having some fun with these! But, back to the gritty grind I'm sure soon.

All of the labels are awesome! I don't envy the person or person's that have to choose the winner! It will be a hard decision.
Keep those labels coming everyone. There are some very good labels, but still room for plenty more. Remember the winner gets a $25 fvw gift certificate and 2 bottles of Nuclear Apple/Pepper Wine with their label on it. The runner up also gets a bottle of the wine- with their label on it also!
appleman said:
I'm still waiting for Sangwitch(I know you are busy, but give it a try) , Ramona, Jobe, OilnH20, and a whole bunch of others to give it a try.

since you're challenging some of us by name... I'll have to see if I can squeeze in some time!
Okay.. I'll post one last label for entry.. Thanks for the comments on my first two everyone.. I've been a lurker on here for a while and decided to finally sign up and join in!

Navyterp! WOW! I see this is your secondpost and you have entered a realy great label. I love it! Great Job! Welcome to the forum! Edited by: jsmahoney
Good idea Joan. I ran out of ideas without copying someone elses or just twisting whats already been done.
I like Joan's label, If I could vote, that would get mine right now!

Good Job Joan

As a matter of fact........ ifen ya don't mind...... could ya share that back ground...... I kind like that. Thanks
I find Joan's interesting in that the apple tree withthe type on top resembles a mushroom cloud. Good job Joan and everybody else.

I'm sure there are still plenty of ideas out there!
My final addition! Back to the nitty gritty grind! It's been fun, Thank you! Good Luck eveyone!