need recipe idea!

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May 26, 2012
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So I found these at the grocery store and thought they would make a good wine (hoping, but I'm Completely new to this so maybe I'm wrong) would these work for wine making? And does anyone have a general idea of what to add to it to complete a recipe?

The ingredients in them are just water, the fruits puree, sugar, and lemon juice.

They are 1L (33.8 FL OZ) bottles each. I'd like them to both be in one wine...

Any ideas or advice?
How big of a batch are you planning to make? If you're thinking of making a 6 gallon batch (similar to a wine kit), I'd think you'd need about 25 bottles. How much did they cost? They may or may not be cost effective. Based on the ingredients listed, these sound like they're watered down already. You could try a small batch to see what it tastes like.
FWIW i am making nearly the same wine right now. Except i'm using Arizona tea- Mucho Mango drink. Its got a mix on mango and pear in it and its pretty cheap a buck per 23 oz can (goes on sale for $0.50 at walgreens all the time) Its all natural no preservatives so seems good to go. Ill link my 2 threads on it fwiw its stuck fermenting atm almost but im going to be fixing that.


Thread on it being stuck and protein floaters -

Edit: total cost of 5 gal of this when on sale for $.50 was like under $15 including sugar ingredients etc...
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New_Guy_Brad said:
FWIW i am making nearly the same wine right now. Except i'm using Arizona tea- Mucho Mango drink. Its got a mix on mango and pear in it and its pretty cheap a buck per 23 oz can (goes on sale for $0.50 at walgreens all the time) Its all natural no preservatives so seems good to go. Ill link my 2 threads on it fwiw its stuck fermenting atm almost but im going to be fixing that.


Thread on it being stuck and protein floaters -

Edit: total cost of 5 gal of this when on sale for $.50 was like under $15 including sugar ingredients etc...

Thanks bud! I'll keep an eye on that thread!

I'm goin for one gal batch. The bottles were not to cheap eather, 3$ a bottle.
Does Hero pasteurize the juice or use some other kind of preservative? If the latter , I am not sure that you are likely to get the must to ferment
Does Hero pasteurize the juice or use some other kind of preservative? If the latter , I am not sure that you are likely to get the must to ferment

it says no preservatives on the jars, thats all i know.. lol

so does that mean it will work or no?
I'd use 100% apple juice with it to make a gallon batch. Also toss in a banana or two.
SBWs said:
I'd use 100% apple juice with it to make a gallon batch. Also toss in a banana or two.

What if I got 2 or 3 more bottles of them? Or would the apple juice be a better idea
Like Lon said, it's hard to know how much real juice is in these. With water listed as the first ingredient, that means there is more water than anything else. For me if it doesn't say 100% juice I stay away from it.
SBWs said:
Like Lon said, it's hard to know how much real juice is in these. With water listed as the first ingredient, that means there is more water than anything else. For me if it doesn't say 100% juice I stay away from it.

One has water as first ingredient and the other has the fruit puree as first. So I would assume they are close to 50/50 juice to water. How about this recipe?

2 bottles of the pear
2 bottles of the peach
1 can of 100% peach concentrate
Pectic enzyme
Acid blend
71B-1122 yeast
Sugar to 1.090

That look decent? Any recommendations on an amount or a dif type of acid?
There was no peach in your first post just pear and mango. That recipe should work, don't know if you will taste any pear. I'd also add yeast nutrient and maybe toss in a sliced banana, yeast really like them.

Do you have a way to test acid, if not there is no real way to know how much or even if you need any at all. If you are going to add acid blindly I wouldn't add no more than a teaspoon. At least with the yeast you picked it will eat up some of the malic acid as it ferments.

It always scares me when I see K-meta without an amount for 1 gallon batches. I think adding to much K-meta is the number one mistake I've seen on here. I've found a good way to measure is add 6 tsp of water to a small container then add 1/4 tsp k-meta and dissolve. Then add 1 tsp of this to the must. Or the simple way of using 1 campden tablet also works.

You won't know until you give it a try, Good Luck!
Sorry, meant bottles of mango, then peach concentrate. Ok I'll add the banana a well. I have acid test strips but don't know how to use them. Idk what acidity I want to have. What's an acidity range to shoot for?
Acid range for fruit wine is 5.5 to 6.5 p.p.t. (parts per thousand) or .55% to .65%.
My strips measure ph, the range on them is like 3-5. Where do I want it at?
Ideal pH would be 3.3 or 3.4. When you get hooked on wine making, look into getting a acid test kit, or better yet a bottle of Sodium Hydroxide Solution and a pH meter for testing acid. If you are wanting to make your own recipes they are a must have in my opinion.
Just remember when working with nectars you will end up with heavy lees as the pulp settles out. I made a gallon batch of a mango wine using a refrigerated mango nectar and ended up with just over 3/4 gallon of actual wine by the time all was said and done. I actually did not have to adjust the acidity at all per my taste. Everyone loved it.

64 oz Naked MANGO (with banana, apple, carrot)
1 can frozen pineapple juice concentrate
16 oz Martenilli’s MANGO LEMONADE beverage
Water to 1 gallon
Invert Sugar Syrup to desired OG, this one was started at 1.075
PREFERRED YEAST: D47(Côtes-du-Rhône), Montrachet or Champagne
Per gallon:
· 1-1/2 tsp acid blend ---hold until closer to bottling if needed
· 1/2 tsp pectic enzyme
· 1 tsp yeast nutrient
· 1/4 tsp tannin
Pour juices/water into primary and add sugar, tannin, yeast nutrient, and pectic enzyme. Cover and set aside for 12 hours. Add yeast per package directions and lightly recover the primary. Ferment until specific gravity drops to 1.010 (~6-8 days). Rack into secondary, top up and fit airlock. Rack again after 30 days (or when thick lees have developed) and every two months until clear and no longer dropping sediment. Stabilize, sweeten if desired, wait 10 days,rack and then bottle. (Follow the rules for using Campden and sorbate, if you choose to back sweeten SG1.010). Should be excellent chilled or served over ice!
I used D47, started this in October, bottled it in February. I have one bottle left.
Ok, ill look into the acid test supplies.

Also my next question was answers, was gunna ask if anyone ever used naked to make wine, lol