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BMW, I use to do a lot of trips on our motorcycle. I miss that, and would like to get back into it, but just haven't gotten my other half talked into it. Great looking bike, and enjoy!
This is from the day after our wedding 10-15-06.
Chevyguy and Chevybride.We toured a couple of wineries in Door County on the Honeymoon.Now we are wine making newbies!!

Welcome Chevys! You'll love it here. Much information & noone laughs at your screwups.
Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Chevy......Newlyweds

Looking forward to hearing your wine making experiences. Any pictures of the winery? You look like a happy couple..



Hope stay here awhile and make lots of wines...showing us along the way.
Congratulations to the newlyweds!!!!!

And welcome, this is a great place for information and so much fun to hear about everyone's experiences, there are so many great people here. Enjoy your new hobby!!!
Welcome to both Chevy's! I hope the 2 of you share many of your Babies with us. We want pictures...... Lots of Pictures of the Babies, from conseption, through the Burping and the stabilizing period. We want to have our Babies grow up with yours........... Then ........ Cheers!
We are glad to be here! Already feel like we made alot of new friends. As far as the babies go.... We already have several vintages...87'...92'...97' and 98'. most have aged well except for the 92',but with alittle more time it should come around!! Mrs Chevy almost had a heart attack when she read about the baby thing!!!!I assured her you meant bottle babies!!! The only babies we'll be having is 750ml/1.5l kind.
chevyguy65 said:
Mrs Chevy almost had a heart attack when she read about the baby thing!!!!I assured her you meant bottle babies!!! The only babies we'll be having is 750ml/1.5l kind.

Are their other kinds of Babies??????
Hi all Mrs Ippymiss Here........ just wanted to post a wedding pictof Me and the Mr. Ippy......... he is in the cowboy hat.
was an outside wedding, at our house , 2nd for both, October 2006.

Had everyone come in VERY casual clothes if they came dressed up, they got kicked out.

Didnt take me long to get rid of the dress and don the jeans . Im glad we found this forum, we have learned alot and promise to keep onmakin wine as long as we both shall live !

Donnie & Karrie

Edited by: Ippymiss
Pics from NAPA / SONOMA trip last week. Learned alot, drank some great wines, drank a few not so good ones too. Incredible variation in wine making techniques, equipment, etc. Very interesting to see that more and more wine makers are moving away from traditional barrels to "alternate oak techniques".
Great pictures Ippy's. Looks like a fun wedding.
Beachdragons- great pictures of the wine areas and vineyards. It also looks like you got one of the new airline samplers they serve on the new AirBus.
Napa / Sonoma - Average once or twice per year. Great value and unwinding time. Flights are relatively cheap to SFO, and you can find nice house rentals if you share with other couples. Hotels are $$$, but the Sonoma Marriott is awe inspiring.
Congrats to both of you Ippy!!! Mrs Chevy and I our both on our second as well. WIth maturity comes Wisdom,Passion and a great glass of wine.You look alot warmer in October than we had for our wedding in Wisconsin.Enjoy all of lifes "little" moments together,for they are the ones that really matter.

Beachdraggon- looks like you had a blast!!! what was the name of the vineyard?

I wonder if George sells those bigger barrels?....hmmmm