My new batch!

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Clear for 2 weeks, then add the cinnamon solution and let it clear some more until you feel like its ready to bottle. ;)

Basically the longer you wait to bottle, the less sediment you'll end up with in the bottles. But its totally drinkable after you add the cinnamon solution.
Everything seems to be going fine with mine, I currently have it clearing. I have tasted it and tasted pretty dry but good. I added some brown sugar and cinnamon to the sample and man..... did that make a difference! I can't wait to drink it :D How long should I let it clear for?

wow!!! that looks awesome!!!!! mine is still chugging away i was at 1.055 the night before last so a few more days, this has been the longest ferment yet! but its coming down from the roof

did you add any clearing agents to it? it looks like its clearing really well but from the bottom up rather than the top down. at least thats how it looks in the pic either way it looks good!!
Thanks. I did, super kleer I believe it was. I followed the directions, it's a two step clearing agent. I also bought isinglass that I'll try next time, my store here only carries those two. You're getting closer and closer.... Won't be long.
im ready it really tastes good now, i may try isinglass now and see whos clears quicker. our recipes are different but from looking at your carboy pics and lookin in my primary it all looks about the same aside from i havent added any extra spices yet so i dont have that reddish orange tint to mine yet.

that makes me think, i know this is a dangerous thing me thinking but :)....since i am running my yeast to its end limits would it be a bad idea to add the spices and brown sugar to it while its still in my primary? since there isnt much of a chance my yeast can finish off what it has adding in brown sugar and stuff shouldnt hurt it at all correct? just thinking of saving a step once i transfer to my 1gal carboys, instead of add k-meta, clearing agent then back sweeten in the carboys, just add k-meta and clearing agent and leave it alone.
Lol, I haven't added any spices yet. I don't know about that, I'll let someone more experienced answer that one. :D
im ready it really tastes good now, i may try isinglass now and see whos clears quicker. our recipes are different but from looking at your carboy pics and lookin in my primary it all looks about the same aside from i havent added any extra spices yet so i dont have that reddish orange tint to mine yet.

that makes me think, i know this is a dangerous thing me thinking but :)....since i am running my yeast to its end limits would it be a bad idea to add the spices and brown sugar to it while its still in my primary? since there isnt much of a chance my yeast can finish off what it has adding in brown sugar and stuff shouldnt hurt it at all correct? just thinking of saving a step once i transfer to my 1gal carboys, instead of add k-meta, clearing agent then back sweeten in the carboys, just add k-meta and clearing agent and leave it alone.

I would wait. Once yours is done you may find its sweet enough as is and the addition of brown sugar might be too much. My latest batch of Apple Pie Cider is only sweetened to around 1.006 WITH the brown sugar and apple juice concentrate. You're most likely going to be way over that before sweetening.
very true, my addition of brown sugar would be minimal if at all since im gonna be around 1.020 if it can even get there. i am looking mainly at apple pie spice as my primary addition, im not even sure i want to add apple concentrate to it as it still has a hint of apple now but its being masked by the overwhelming young alcohol.

im going to check my SG again tonight and see where I am at since when i last checked it i gave it a good stirring. I may even look into suspending a teabag of apple pie spice in it. think that would be okay?
okay i racked it to carboys it was at 1.051 on 9/7/12 so i just racked it lees and all. i feel safer with it under airlock now
Here is the half gallon I had in addition to the 6 gall carboy. I decided to play with it. I sweetened it with the brown sugar/cinnamon and by the time I decided I liked it, I had added a whole can of apple juice concentrate. I did 1 c. water, 1 c. brown sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon. Then added a bit more brown sugar. In my opinion that's a lot for just a half gallon, right? I'm worried that I will add too much trying to get over the very strong rocket fuel taste lol. What's the best way of doing this? And does the cinnamon still float around? Or maybe I didn't heat it long enough? :?

321824_10151385233992166_1445245565_o (2).jpg
that looks good, almost a cider. only thing you can do is you can let it age longer to round of the sharp edges on the alcohol. check your SG see what you are sitting at, plus remember you are setting it to your taste so what i may think is to sweet maybe just right for me, and when it gets right down to it whos drinking most of your stash? :n :)

as for the cinnamon does it ever dissolve? its a bark so i dont believe that it ever actually dissolves.

i racked mine and its bubbling like a beast im just gonna leave it alone and let it do its thing. the yeast will die someday. one thing i noticed mine is very light yellow, almost a post-it note color. i will leave it alone until i no longer see action in the airlock then i will test it and see where i am at.
that is high from what i have seen but if its good to you thats what matters :D
lol, i believe i will be drinking most of it. SG is at 1.045 right now.

WHOA! That must taste like

To answer your question, yes that was too much sugar. Wait as long as you can to sweeten because the young wine taste encourages you to oversweeten. Basically it takes a lot of sugar to overcome the harsh characteristics that wine has early on. By the time you overcome that flavor, you've made syrup.

By waiting a few weeks, the young wine taste will settle down a bit making it MUCH easier to properly sweeten to taste. Then when you sweeten, you want to go only to the point where you feel like it needs just a bit more sweetness but isn't quite sweet enough, then stop. Over the next month it will become exactly what you had hoped for.

The cinnamon won't dissolve so just let the wine sit on it for a week or two. Then when you rack, leave the sediment behind and bottle. If you want, you can mix it all in, then bottle so the cinnamon sediment ends up in each bottle. It won't look good but it will taste great. Both ways work.
Good thing it's just the leftover portion! Haha. Thanks for the advice. I still have the carboy sitting till at least next week.
1.043 it just keeps creepin!

:u 9/17/2012

well I took a look at it last night its working the airlock but its super slow like 1 bubble every 5+ seconds, I need to check it again and see where I am at with it

:u 9/18/2012

still letting it set and do it thing, took another visual inspection while i had the closet/lab :) door open, actually this stuff has almost cleared on it own still havent check SG
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