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Ya I seen that.

Here I am cleaning my bottles. Not the best pic, but at least you can see who you are dealing with.
Cool! Hey everyone, it's the boss!

Wow, pool and all. We'll be down 'bout June!

I don't know who invented that tree, but for $20 it's the deal of the century, throw a vinator on top and sanitizing bottles is a snap (the tree in goe's picture is the larger tree, the small one holds 45 bottles and is fine for one batch).
The tree is a great idea. I have the larger tree because I usually bottle 4-6 carboys at a time and I have found it faster to sanitize 90 bottles at a time. That way I can break my bottling into 2 batches.
That's the high dollar upgrade. Since I am short on hair, I need the umbrella so my head does not burn.
George, So good to see your photo here finally!
From the background it looks like you know how to have a good time around the pool! Oh, to not live in Minnesota!
Hi I'm Rick,

I just joined today and am very new to wine "tending" so be gentle
I'm a fairly simple guy, I'm a carpenter, enjoy playing guitar, astro photography, amateur astronomy. I love to make old houses look new. I sort started out my wine making with the wrong crowd (moonshiners) but am glad to find this place, I found it last night and really like it here.

I have plans for basically turning my yard into a vineyard but for most of the things I want to plant it's already too late in the season so it will have to wait until next year. I started my very first wine three weeks ago today and for a first attempt I think it's coming along very good.

I have a dog named Ben and a cat named Jerry

It's good to meet ya.


Welcome Rick. If you have any questions in any topic, feel free to ask. If there is anything you would like to share with the forum, post away! We like it here too!


Welcome to the forum and to the community. There are plenty of helpful wine makers here to answer questions, trade secrets and have a good time. I encourage you to use the forum, but if you ever need me, just give me a call.
Hi thanks for the welcome, great to be here. I'm from South Carolina,
been here most of my life. Thanks to Glenvall I now have an equation
permanently etched in my brain to use the determine the ABV more
acurately than useing the PA. scale.

It's a good thing

Welcome to the forum and even more importantly, to making your own wine. There's nothing like the reward for patience like a nice bottle of wine! Glad to have you here!
Welcome Rick and you will find plenty of help here and lots of friendly wine makers!

I have been reading the forum for a while, so I feel like I already know some of you. Did some wine making way back in the 70's, but the quality kits now available got me enthused again.

Below is a photo of all my family, except for the my other daughter taking the picture.


My daughter's dog, Simba made it onto a recent wine label.


I am a biology professor at Southern Polytechnic State University in Marietta, Georgia. Marietta is a suburb of Atlanta. Other hobbies include computerized railroading and building wooden model sailing ships.

Bill Burnett