Mayan Prophecies - End of Days!-12/21/12

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You do not know that as fact. They are not even certain that they used wheels to build Stonehendge or even the great pyramids. The thought is that they used sledges to drag the stones.

I have this saying .. You can do amazing things with 2000 people and a whip!

.. and please, I BEG you folks, do not take this thread down that "they were built by space aliens" road.

Kinda related - i just think its cool, so im bringing it up, neener neener :) - is they actually developed a new theory for how they managed the Easter Island Heads

I think they're spot on, but this stone they used is only a fraction of the size of the actual stones - so obviously it would have taken more people.

Rocky, you better stick to wine.
1) aliens are so much more technologically advanced than us their equipment does NOT break down.
2) Yeti and Big Foot are WHY the aliens come to earth. They pick up the corpses and take them back for research. Just in case you were wondering they also get Loch Ness Monsters. It is well known that aliens only visit earth in their study of Cryptozoology.

How bout this... the aliens come to earth to EAT the dead Yeti, and bigfeet. The aliens are so peaceful, that they will only eat that which has died of natural causes.

I am scared now. Being that I have figured them out, do you think that the aliens will chase me down to keep me quite? They are, after all monitoring all of our conversations and transmittions.

When they take me away, do you think that they will let me bring my wine? This leads to another important questions... What wine goes with dead yeti or bigfoot?????
Just cashed in my 401K and refinanced my house.... why have my money tied up. I won't be needing it after the 12/21 anyway. PARTY TIME!!!

Yeah...and I promised everyone I know something expensive for Christmas...LOL...
everything taste like chicken so I think a nice light white wine would go well
unless you are having spag yeti with meat sauce then I believe a full bodied red is in order!
If Mayans were all that sharp, there would still be Mayans around to witness the end. Just in case I'm not starting a kit till Christmas.
there would still be Mayans around to witness the end. Just in case I'm not starting a kit till Christmas.

There are still full-blooded mayan descendants, living.. They just dont rule a civilization anymore, they pretty much got absorbed into Mexico & southerly countries - belize, el salvador, guatemala, honduras... Some of the languages even still exist, i think
The Mayan date "12/21/2012" is not the end of the world. It is supposed to be the end of a 5,000 year era. They believe that a god is supposed to return to earth and start a new era, not a global catastrophe.
Other Mayan prophecies point out to other dates that are well into the future, past Dec. 12, 2012.
But if it gives you a reason to drink more wine...

This is true. There aren't doomsday prophecies written in Mayan history. It is reflective of the end if a celestial age and the beginning of a new one. Many scholars believe it is predicted to get a golden age of peace..

Either way I say play it safe and drink like a mad man.
Its all just a scare to make the consiracy theorists rich on book sales. Look what "we never landed on the moon" did for that guy with 12 cats living in a trailor park. Today he is worth millions.

BTW, 12/21 is a Friday night! Great excuse for a party.