Making alcoholic water?

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Jan 11, 2014
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Okay firstly, I am indeed 21, just poor.

I got two 5 gram packets of wine yeast, about 10 pounds of sugar, and water but I do not have any juice.

My question is, can I make alcohol with just water? I know to sterilize everything and blah blah and I understand it might taste bad, but would it be tastable or could I mix it with things in the future?

Pretty much what I'm asking is, will this work and how would end results be?
There is a recipe for a sugar wash here which might be what you are looking for.
Read through the thread because I think he had a fair amount of trouble with it getting stuck.

Sugar wash
if you want simple, tasty and cheap, look-up Ed Worts Apfelwein recipe.

I think it costs me 5$ a gallon ? ready in 3- 4 months. No racking, clearing, yada yada. Do it all in the carboy. 9% alcohol or so.
OK, I have to ask... WHY???

Do you really need a buzz that badly? Really? So badly that you would drink alcohol water???

Look, go out and get yourself a 30 pack of bud and be done with it... You could also (instead of getting yeast and sugar) simply go out and get some everclear and cut that with water at home. That would be cheaper when you add equipment costs.

I am not trying to be mean here, but for most member here, the goal is the enjoyment of good homemade wine and its continued improvement. Alcohol water simply rubs me the wrong way.
Pretty much what John said, if you want cheap alcohol go out and buy some everklear and cut it with water until you reach your desired strength.

If you want to make wine for cheap then try out dragons blood or perhaps some cider recipes.
There's always this guy: JohnT

I am simply experimenting and this is not my first time making wine. I simply asked if it was possible, thank you to the first poster for simply answering and the second for more ideas.
Okay firstly, I am indeed 21, just poor.

I got two 5 gram packets of wine yeast, about 10 pounds of sugar, and water but I do not have any juice.

My question is, can I make alcohol with just water? I know to sterilize everything and blah blah and I understand it might taste bad, but would it be tastable or could I mix it with things in the future?

Pretty much what I'm asking is, will this work and how would end results be?

I never run across many adults who preface a posting with declaring thier age to partake in wine making.

That being said, if you are indeed economically challenged you would still be better off with a bottle of grain alcohol and a 2 litre of soda!

not to mention this method would be quicker and save you from having to buy wine making equipment to make alcoholic water!

I mean even if you go through with this, are you siphoning, racking to what?

it sounds to me, and I only assume (and I remember what my 9th grade english teacher told me about assuming, but I digress) that you are going to throw 10 lbs of sugar in a bucket, toss in some water and yeast and when all is said and done go bobbing for a buzz!
Yeah I stated my age because in all the research I've done with similar questions, everyone accuses them of being underage haha
There's always this guy: JohnT
I'm curious, what did you mean by this?
Apparently, you've asked this on other forums and have received similar responses...
Yeah I stated my age because in all the research I've done with similar questions, everyone accuses them of being underage haha
"this Guy", JohnT is an accomplished winemaker and in my opinion asked a valid question, Why?
Is it that you just want to get a buzz?
The goal here is to make the best wine that you can and enjoying not only the wine, but the winemaking process.

This seems like a question a teenager would ask, I ran a simple search on Google and came up with a half dozen answers to your question, I don't think you did any research, and frankly, I don't feel comfortable giving you a recipe to make "ghetto hooch" so you can get drunk after gym class.
Just my opinion of course.
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Who asks why and asks me why I need to get a buzz that badly, which is my own business. I am just wondering how well this will work out.
Who asks why and asks me why I need to get a buzz that badly, which is my own business. I am just wondering how well this will work out.

Why would you ask such a question on a WINE board and not a prison hootch board?

What did you expect?
Who asks why and asks me why I need to get a buzz that badly, which is my own business. I am just wondering how well this will work out.
It will not work out well. It won't taste good and as was mentioned before...there are other cheap ways to get a buzz that will taste better than this.
Okay firstly, I am indeed 21, just poor.

I got two 5 gram packets of wine yeast, about 10 pounds of sugar, and water but I do not have any juice.

My question is, can I make alcohol with just water? I know to sterilize everything and blah blah and I understand it might taste bad, but would it be tastable or could I mix it with things in the future?

Pretty much what I'm asking is, will this work and how would end results be?

There's always this guy: JohnT

I am simply experimenting and this is not my first time making wine. I simply asked if it was possible, thank you to the first poster for simply answering and the second for more ideas.

Yeah I stated my age because in all the research I've done with similar questions, everyone accuses them of being underage haha

Who asks why and asks me why I need to get a buzz that badly, which is my own business. I am just wondering how well this will work out.

- You come out with "Blah Blah"; dont tell me you expected us to give our full effort, when you cant even start off with any.

- You wanna insult John for no reason? He asked a legit question, and your (rather immature) response, was to attempt to shrug him off? Obviously you've spent NO time lurking on this forum; you're only here for an answer to your question so you can go put some water, yeast, and prayers in the back of your closet - and I mention prayers because you'll need some to get the smells past your parents... Who probably HAVE made wine before - you'd be surprised what your parents did before you came along.

- If this wasnt your first time making wine, you wouldnt have signed up to WMT just to ask this one question. You'd have prior knowledge of some of us, from your curiosity about wanting to make better wine, but as I mentioned before, you've spent no time lurking here. And as someone pointed out, you've obviously asked this question elsewhere and been outed there too.

- Then you attempt to brush-off the 'underage' thing, with a 'haha'. Please. I wasn't that young, that long ago. That's your biggest give-away.

- And lastly, we ask why, because as soon as you come meandering this direction, willing to put little or not effort into this, and are so greedy that all you care about is your answer, not only is it insulting - but you made it our business.

The only reason I've even wasted my time to outline this for you, is so that whenever the day comes (because it will), when another one you comes trotting along thinking they're gonna ask this same question.. Maybe they'll have the common sense to search a bit first, and realize its not a very smart thing to do.

Far as I'm concerned, you've gotten away with about 5-strikes, and you couldnt talk me into 'touchin you with a 10ft pole'.

Good luck hustlin' the next forum.
Yes, only the finest wines here, candy cane and gummy bear. Pulleeez.
Wow, Gary, not what i would expect from another member.
The folks that made those wines were experimenting, thinking outside the box a little, they aren't traditional wines but to ridicule the fact that we are trying to keep potential minors from making hooch is surprising to me.
Not everyone makes traditional wine, instead of encouraging others to make wine, or possible helping others to understand various aspects of winemaking, you choose to ridicule the forum as a whole.....but then again, maybe I'm reading your reply the wrong way.
I'm sure glad that everybody is in a good mood today.


I'm sorry you have received such a crappy welcome to this usually friendly forum.

In case you haven't guessed not too many of the people here have made sugar water alcohol. But to try to answer your question...

Yes you can do it. I've no idea how it will taste because I haven't done it with regular wine yeast.

I have used Turbo Yeast (and charcoal filtering) to make a vodka-like result which I then flavoured. It turned out pretty good, in my opinion.

Wow, you guys really chewed him up and spit him out! That was pretty funny to read. There is a good bit of experimenting discussed on these forums, and I for one am happy to let others try (IMHO)goofy experiments. Why in the world would I care to discourage them or stop them? People do stupid, pointless things everyday; my comments, instructions and strong suggestions to my children to avoid making the same mistakes I have made, generally fall on deaf ears - sometimes you just have to make the mistake yourself to learn the lesson from it.

And as for the 'finest wines' only being discussed here - there are those here that look in that direction, but others that don't know the meaning of the phrase and don't want to!
I have made this..I have some now that about 18 percent abv.
I made it for a few reasons...if you look it up. You will see why.
But...I have been adding to my wine as a sweetner because it has no flavor.
And it does not dilute are change the abv of said wine.
One sip, and you would not drink it, it is god awful by its self.
Truth is, I am 21, but I'm a suffering alcoholic to the point where I've been drinking mouthwash when needed. I bought a ton of yeast online for 50 gallons because it's cheap but I usually can only scrape up 5 bucks a day for a couple four lokos, and I'm really impatient. I did make wine before, it was lemonade wine. I do need a quick fix to answer JohnT's question, wasn't trying to insult him.

EDIT: But later, thanks for the helpful answers to the helpful members.
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