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Sad news indeed, thoughts and prayers to the family of NW _/\_
As little as I post, I nearly always read NW's posts. That is so sad. Cancer is such a difficult thing, I think sometimes death from it can be a relief. I know it was for my dad when he passed away from melanoma last March. Even still, death is never easy for any of us. I too am truly sorry for her family's loss.
Raising a glass in your honor and memory.

You were one of the best.

Sometimes the journey was difficult, but now you can rest.

Peace is now yours.
Just went back thru her posts and wow what a lady - AND - a great green thumb. Her photo's of her gardens and grapes - WOW- if only we could have had a tiny bit of her talent. We will sure miss her posts and getting to know her through this forum. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.

I can hear the glasses being raised across the country tonight. Our prayers to you and your family......
Thank you for letting us know. She and her beautiful pictures will be missed. Our thoughts and prayers to her family. And yes a toast to a wonderful person is in order.
Thank you Pelican, for passing on this sad news. Even though we never got to meet her in person this feels like the passing of an old friend.

Please pass on to her family our deepest sympathy

That is the sad news we have been dreading to hear. She was such an inspiration to everyone. She had the greatest attitude toward life. At least her suffering is over and she is at peace. We have all of her posts to inspire us. She was one of the first to welcome me when I came on this forum
Tears of sorrow at your passing and tears of gratitude for the life you shared. I will miss you NW.


The path now empty where once she trod
Our beloved NW's gone home to be with God
I saw Angels gathered, singing all around his throne.
ENOUGH !!! God said....go bring my child home.
In the arms of an Angel she was taken away.
A new beginning......A new glorious day.
To each of us she would say if she could
Do not mourn me...."My LifeWas Good"
well what can one say at a time when there are no words to express the feelings you feel for a person who's only contact was throught pictures and words,,although missed is an understatement .She will never be not on line with us as she will always be a FINE VINE WINE FORUM spirit as well as thought........lucille and I will lite a candle for her ..............................
You'll always be in our thoughts &amp; prayers.


all the best to her family &amp; friends from U.P. of Mich.
Ya know - after reading all the posts again and reflecting on what hasbeen said - it brings it home that we are all part of a forum family. Most of us will never meet but we share a lot between us. I, for one, feel the sadness and void of NW passing and I am sure lots of tears will fall. She shared so much with us - her life - her garden - her wisdom and her pain which we will all miss. God Bless You NW and I am sure He has.


My prayers go to NW family. She lived her life to the fullest. The quote "Life is Good" has a very different meaning to me as I will always remember NW.
My deepest sympathies for her family and close friends. It was a pleasure to have her here sharing with us for the time that she did. I will miss her posts and pictures very much.
My deepest sympathies to Jim and the rest family of NW, including those here in her extended family.

Lorraine was a true inspiration to a lot here on this forum, and through pictures and post, it would seem everyone she came in contact with.

It would seem that Jim gave her the home, the life and the setting that she so dearly deserved and loved, and I am sure that God has set an eternal place for her to await Jim, so they may continue their dreams and ambitions for eternity.

God Bless and Keep you Lorraine, we will miss you till we meet again.
My thoughts &amp; prayers for the NW familly. I seldom log on with my home comp.without checking on this form &amp; looking for friendly chit chat &amp; looking for NW insprition &amp; pictures. She will be missed but not forgotten.
I cant believe I missed this, and I cant believe the heart of this site is now gone!
We'll keep it going NW but it surely wont be the same without you!