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Forum friends of Northern Winos pm'ed me to express concern why she hadn't been on the
site since last week. I got in touch with her and let her know you are
all missing her, and got a reply back with update ....

From NorthernWinos --
Well here I am back in the hospital...came in last Tuesday with
another bowel obstruction...I had been trying more solid type food.
this time it was kind of stubborn,they can't remove the NG tube from
my nose till things start moving..and finally stuff is starting to
move. I was really dehydrated, so it took several days for all that
to get caught up, started to get fat legs, so knew that i was getting legs are smaller and everything is starting too
return to normal...long was to go till tubes come is a
distant memory.

A friend brought this computer in a few days ago, but I felt too nasty
to turn it on. Now I went to web-mail..I am limited to reply to
people in this inbox..I don't have my address book here.

Jim got the corn done Sat and he put away all those toys...and
got out some new ones to play with. Our neighbor Steve came
to cultivate,they did the corn ground and Jim started planting, Steve
also did the wheat ground and picked the Jim is pretty

Dr was in and said it's time for some nutrition of some sort...but
taking it one day at a time...all any of us can do. might get a picc
line and then get rid of all the IV pokes and get some liquid food.

Well, pass this along and will get back to you soon.
Thanks so much for the update pelican.

If you get a chance to read this Northern, you get better real soon. It must be hard stuck in the hopital while Jim is at home getting to play with all the big boy toys. I know he is really concerned with your well being, but he must get the crops in at the right time. I am praying for you to feel and get better.

We miss you!
I know I haven't been on the Forum much lately, have been so crammed with things needing done and work and all. I just checked and see you are in the hospital. Just want you to know that I always think of you. Your flowers are waiting on you..........Ramona
Hope you're feeling better soon and back on your feed. Or is that supposed to be back on your feet?
Both I guess!
Have been thinking about you.....Prayers go out to you....get well soon...
Just to let you all know, my daughter has an appointment with her specialist on Friday and this time we get to road trip up to the hospital where NW is at.

HOPEFULLY she'll be home by then, but the plan is to pop in to see. I'll take all of you with me in spirit.
from Lucille and Istay the course and Will keep a candle burning for you NW........................and SWILL

There have been many days lately that I haven't had much time for anything, but each day I think of you and say a prayer for you, Jim and your family.

Lately I find myself coming back to this board just to see if you have check in and to see how you are doing, even though wine making has taken a back burner, the friends that have been developed on this board still draws me back.

I hope you can get well soon and get back home in the comfort of your family and your gardens.
Those NG tubes are "no good"! I have had lots of experience with them! I am so sorry to hear that you are having more problems than expected! Please know that you are in our prayers.

My prayer is that the Lord will heal and restore you to full health.

God bless.
NW called me today to say she's heading to Rochester, for a consultation with the doctors at the Mayo Clinic. So, I won't be able to visit her tomorrow after all. Jim was busy getting the corn and wheat in, but will pick her up tomorrow to drive her down, so she's doing well enough for self transport, and doesn't have to make the trip "lying down in the back of the bus".

She sounded good, strong voice, good spirits.

I told her there was a lot of love and prayers for her here, and she did say she had been able to check in and read some of the messages.
NW, our family is praying for you and hope you can get back in your yard soon. The forum is bare without your pics!
wade said:
The forum is bare without your pics!

Wade are you talking about the Mexico pictures? hehe

NW travel well and may the recovery angel be at your side
NW......lots of prayers for you!! Hope you get a liquid steak soon!!!