lent begins wednesday!

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Feb 9, 2010
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Well folks, lent begins on wednesday and i give up all alcohol for lent. This was the last weekend before lent begins. Last chance to dance as my dad would say.

So, if you all were wondering, I had the two brothers over and we did justice to several years of wine. What a great passion to have! we tasted everything from 2009 through 2013. We are all completely depressed at the thought of a 40 day thirsty stretch, but we plan to all give up wine for lent together.

if there is a heaven, i better get preferred seating.

Well, I know if the going gets tough, all I need to do is think about Welch's and I am good for several days.
I'm going to stick with giving up brussel sprouts. I've done it for years and why break a tradition.
John, that is very noble of you, I've been thinking about doing the same.
Well JohnT, I think another thing you can do to help you thru this time is to keep your Welches Man avatar!!!! :h
Hi John,
Your 40 day journey is not an easy one.
I hope to lose more weight and keep it off.
Oh, ok good. That means I ain't gotta give up nuthin.

John, I'll say a prayer for strength for you.

I'll also have some welches in your honor. :D
Lent is the Christian season of preparation before Easter, Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or the start of the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to Easter Derunner is correct, Sundays are not included in the count, that is totally up to you.
I'm considering giving up carbs and sugars as a symbol of fasting.

Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection.

Lent is mostly observed by the Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian and Anglican denominations, and also by Roman Catholics. Eastern Orthodox churches.

Out of respect for everyone's beliefs, please do not trash others religions and practices.
I gave up alcohol last year for lent including Sundays. It wasn't fun especially with all of that wine sitting there staring at me. Not sure yet what it will be this year.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
Wasn't attempting to trash anything. I just didn't understand to whole "giving up for lent"

And just for the record, I think on Jesus' sacrifice daily. Why set aside a special time for that?

Theres too much bad in this world ready to trip you up to take your sights off Him. Believe me if you do take your eyes off Him the devil is waiting to take you down.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean that to be directed at you or anyone for that matter, it was more of a request for future replies to this thread.
It is ok Dralarms, no one was thinking that. Tom is just thinking ahead. I so understand why you asked, I was born and raised a catholic with eight years in a catholic school and my father's family were all Presbyterian. Lol, during lent and Easter, we would do things one way and my uncle, aunt and cousins would do things another way. We all get there but in different ways and there is nothing wrong with that.
I am an atheist, but I still believe every single person has the common right to have their own beliefs, pray to whom they want and worship to what OR whom brings love to their hearts and minds.
No one is perfect....I wish you a very peaceful lent, JohnT.
You can drink all the welches you want to....its not wine.
Lent began at sundown yesterday fo the Ukainian Orthodox religion. My wife said she too is going to give up alcohol for lent. Looks like I'll either hold off on my blending until after Easter or make the decisions myself this year.