LD Carlson Easy Clean into my WINE!

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Oct 11, 2021
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We are new to winemaking, we got it as a kit for Christmas. This was our first batch and accidentally added Easy Clean to my wine thinking it was potassium metabisulphate. The instructions said to add potassium metabisulphate if you were aging it longer. Our wine was originally clear and now its cloudy again. My question is: Is our wine ruined now? Will it eventually clarify again? Is it harmful to drink if it does clear up?

P.S: there is also a thick sediment layer at the bottom that wasn't there before I added it.

Thanks for the help.
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How much Easy Clean did you add? Based on the origin of the error, I would expect that you would have added 1/4 tsp to 6 gallons.

Obviously it was not ideal to have added, but I am surprised that you got a new layer of sediment and cloudiness if you only added 1/4 tsp in 6 gallons... :?
Welcome to WMT!

How much Easy Clean did you add? Based on the origin of the error, I would expect that you would have added 1/4 tsp to 6 gallons.

Obviously it was not ideal to have added, but I am surprised that you got a new layer of sediment and cloudiness if you only added 1/4 tsp in 6 gallons... :?

Ya it was 1/4 tsp. My wine was clear before and now it is cloudy. but that might be because it was pulling it from the bottom where the sediment was. What do you suggest I do? It tastes like wine lol
Ingredients are sodium percarbonate and sodium sulfate per the Easyclean MSDS. In such small quantity, probably fine, you just need more kmeta to counteract the oxygen you just added. You can read about the ingredients, and winemaker lists the uses. Amounts seem much higher than what you used.
Cleaning & Sanitizing Techniques - WineMakerMag.com

Thank you! How much kmeta would you recommend putting in the batch? I put in1/4 tsp of the easy clean.
It's really just an estimate, but I would say you probably lost around half of the initial SO2. Maybe add another 1/8 kmeta for a 6gal batch.