WineXpert Italian Pinot Grigio

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Junior Member
Oct 7, 2013
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The wife and I bought a wine making kit and have just started our first batch of Italian Pinot Grigio.

So far it seems to be doing well despite the fact that the wife started it before I did any research, and she used distilled water.
I have read that this is not the best idea, correct?
Are we in for any problems?

But she got everything else right enough that it has bubbles in the airlock!

Please know if that the form seems slow, it is because I have 6 tabs open in IE10 with the 'Wine Making Talk' forums search function going in every one of them!
Distillers water is void of nutrients.
Add a teaspoon of yeast nutrient.
I have made it in the past with distilled water with no problems, but I like JimmyJames' idea about adding the yeast nutrient. I only use spring water now.
I don't believe that you need to add yeast nutrient to a Winexpert kit, even if distilled water was used. However, I have never used distilled water, so I have no experience. Kits have enough nutrients in them so that they will work under pretty much any conditions.

I think the main complaint about distilled water is its lack of oxygen, but when you combine the water and juice it tends to add a lot of oxygen back in and stirring will add more in so I doubt there is any issue.

Good luck with the kit. If it is the WE kit? I've had a lot of people say they like that wine when I serve it.
Good deal! Popular opinion seems to be that all will be well.

jimmyjames23, thanks for the suggestion. The wife is supposed to check with our LHBS today for yeast nutrient. She found one just around the corner from her workplace. Would that just be cast/pitched in on top?

Not knowing better we bought the kit at Jungle Jim's, and while they have a decent selection of items no one there could answer questions about wine making.

derunner, yes, it is the WE kit.

Thanks to all...
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derunner, yes, it is the WE kit.

Thanks to all...
WE makes two Italian Pinot Grigio kits (World Vineyard and Selection). For this question it's not really important which one, but in future please be specific as often it will make a difference.

WE makes two Italian Pinot Grigio kits (World Vineyard and Selection). For this question it's not really important which one, but in future please be specific as often it will make a difference.


It's the World Vineyard, I didn't realize there were two IPG's by WE. Suggestion understood.