Grape skin packs

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What about raisons?

I've heard some talk about using raisons to add body but my question is would you add them whole or would you need to pulverize them first?
When they are supplied with a kit they say to just drop them in whole, some folks like to give them a coarse chop to allow the juice and yeast to get inside easier. Do not pulverize them for sure!
Like Mike said, I give mine a rough chop with a chef's knife or I lightly pulse them in a food processor. I add raisins to any red kit that does not include them, occasionally white wines too. I do recommend putting them in a mesh bad for easy clean up and for daily squeezing of them to extract more solids. I also put pectic enzyme in the bag with the raisins to help break them down.
Like Mike said, I do recommend putting them in a mesh bag for easy clean up and for daily squeezing ....

I’m getting some conflicting data on O2 and making wine. If as you say “daily squeezing” this indicates that you open and introduce O2 into the must while every kit I have made says to cover it tightly and use an air lock from day one. I do not touch it until I rack it off into my carboy for the second fermenting.

I have read on this forum that many people do not use an air lock right away and stir the must daily if not more frequently. While I think the kits I have made (only 2 so far) could be a lot better I wonder if I should follow some of the tips I have read and alter the kit instructions.

What do you think? Air or no air (remember I am using a kit)
Absolutely no need for an airlock until things slow way down (SG~=1.020). There is plenty of CO2 to protect the wine.

If your not happy with your wine so far maybe its time to switch to a different manufacturer.....