Finer Wine Kit FWKs on the way

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Jul 26, 2022
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I have 2 FWK ordered, a moscato, and a Merlot forte. My plan is to just follow the directions, with the exception of bulk aging for at least a year for the Merlot, and at least 6 months for the moscato. I’ve made beer and dabbled with wine, but these will be my first kits. Any advice, or warnings, etc. are much appreciated.
The skin packs tend to increase the volume of the must. A 6g fermenting vessel will overflow, maybe a 7.9g as well. Be prepared. Either go to a 10g to be safe or split each must into two batches, then combine when things settle down.

I’ve made wines for decades but did a FWK Kit for the first time last year. Read the instructions and write down the date for each task, even if it’s in the future. You might get a better understanding of why things are done when they are, but also to catch any errors, like “I should have done that last week!”
Gritch ..... you got me thinking about ordering more FWK this week but I'm worried about the frozen juice with the hot weather. Its going to be in the mid 90's with air temps over 100* this week. (I'm also in Indiana) Purchased a couple of WE kits this summer (June/July), but my heart is really with the FWK. I have three FWK in bulk aging right now with two getting bottled in 2024. I also followed the directions for each kit with no hiccups.

You have the right attitude with bulk aging because the wine needs to sit and sit some more. I wish you the best of luck ... you will do just fine. Lots of help on this website. Keep us posted on your progress.
The skin packs tend to increase the volume of the must. A 6g fermenting vessel will overflow, maybe a 7.9g as well. Be prepared. Either go to a 10g to be safe or split each must into two batches, then combine when things settle down.

I’ve made wines for decades but did a FWK Kit for the first time last year. Read the instructions and write down the date for each task, even if it’s in the future. You might get a better understanding of why things are done when they are, but also to catch any errors, like “I should have done that last week!”
The skin packs tend to increase the volume of the must. A 6g fermenting vessel will overflow, maybe a 7.9g as well. Be prepared. Either go to a 10g to be safe or split each must into two batches, then combine when things settle down.

I’ve made wines for decades but did a FWK Kit for the first time last year. Read the instructions and write down the date for each task, even if it’s in the future. You might get a better understanding of why things are done when they are, but also to catch any errors, like “I should have done that last week!”
Thanks for the tips. Are you saying a 7.9g bucket is too small?
Gritch ..... you got me thinking about ordering more FWK this week but I'm worried about the frozen juice with the hot weather. Its going to be in the mid 90's with air temps over 100* this week. (I'm also in Indiana) Purchased a couple of WE kits this summer (June/July), but my heart is really with the FWK. I have three FWK in bulk aging right now with two getting bottled in 2024. I also followed the directions for each kit with no hiccups.

You have the right attitude with bulk aging because the wine needs to sit and sit some more. I wish you the best of luck ... you will do just fine. Lots of help on this website. Keep us posted on your progress.
Steady 105 down here since June, I've had at least 6 kits shipped in that time frame. None of the kits were more than 'cool' when opened, but none of them showed any signs of wanting to ferment in the bag. Some I refrigerated, some I started that day, all have turned out fine. I received them 2-3 days after shipping.
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Gritch ..... you got me thinking about ordering more FWK this week but I'm worried about the frozen juice with the hot weather. Its going to be in the mid 90's with air temps over 100* this week. (I'm also in Indiana) Purchased a couple of WE kits this summer (June/July), but my heart is really with the FWK. I have three FWK in bulk aging right now with two getting bottled in 2024. I also followed the directions for each kit with no hiccups.

You have the right attitude with bulk aging because the wine needs to sit and sit some more. I wish you the best of luck ... you will do just fine. Lots of help on this website. Keep us posted on your progress.
Thank you. Yeah, I may have jumped the gun a little quick, that cool snap got me antsy lol. Where in Indiana?
Thanks for the tips. Are you saying a 7.9g bucket is too small?
More food for thought.

Last fall I added the pomace from 8 lugs (288 lbs) Grenache to a Tavola Merlot, and recently bottled it. Fermentation was in a 32 gallon Brute, so space was not a problem. The initial post-fermentation volume was 9 US gallons (lightly pressed grapes have a lot of wine still in the pomace), which reduced to just over 8 finished gallons (bulk aged in 23 liter carboy and two 4 liter jugs).

When bottling from more than one secondary container, I homogenize the wines into a single container, then add K-meta and glycerin. This makes all bottles consistent.

I had it in my head that it would all fit in a 7.9 gallon primary. I leave a bit in the bottom of each container to avoid picking up sediment. This extra wine gets bottled afterward, and if it's a bit muddy, I ok with drinking it. I figured I'd have a few bottles less than 8 gallons.

Well ... it fit. With absolutely no room to spare. In hindsight, this was far from my finest or brightest moment in winemaking, although it did work.

This also illustrates the saying, "you're never too old to do something stupid." 🤣

I didn't want to use a 32 gallon Brute for 8 gallons of wine, and don't currently have anything in between. At least one 10 gallon Brute is on my shopping list ...

If you're making 23 liter kits, a 7.9 gallon fermenter should normally be fine. However, it is useful to have a larger container for those other moments.

I accepted a job offer in Evansville about 8 years ago, was all set to move, when I received a slightly better offer in Louisville. I live in Columbus, so it’s a commute, but I didn’t have to move. Although Evansville seemed like a nice place.

Do me a favor, after your FWK arrive, give is an update on how the juice arrived (hot/cold or just the temp of the juice). Delivery from FedEx?
Will do. Got a notice that they shipped yesterday, 8/21.
Pkg arrived. Each kit packed into a styrofoam cooler, and packaged into a single cardboard box. The wife and I were home, but dozing in the sofa, so I didn’t know it when it was delivered. Apparently, my dogs(3 of them) aren’t very good watch dogs. Juice was very chilled, and is now in my cooling chamber at 35*, Until the weekend.
Pkg arrived. Each kit packed into a styrofoam cooler, and packaged into a single cardboard box. The wife and I were home, but dozing in the sofa, so I didn’t know it when it was delivered. Apparently, my dogs(3 of them) aren’t very good watch dogs. Juice was very chilled, and is now in my cooling chamber at 35*, Until the weekend.

This is what i don’t understand. Sometimes I receive a styrofoam cooler but most of the time not. It does make me a bit nervous about ordering.
This is what i don’t understand. Sometimes I receive a styrofoam cooler but most of the time not. It does make me a bit nervous about ordering.
Look, the last several have come in the bag and just in a box. It's not much warmer than the stryofoam, but still cool. This is in 105* South Texas. I get my kits in 2 or 3 days. I have been ordering continuously this year, at least 6 kits since it got hot in June, and I have had no issues. If there is an issue with a kit delivery FWK will make it right. Unless you live in Death Valley then there is no reason to be concerned about these kits in the summer.
I was a scardey cat about getting warm or hot juice but thats mostly because of my inexperience or just not knowing. 😂

Ratflinger might be right and I'm worried for nothin', so next week I'll order another FWK. Now the biggest worry is which one? Leaning towards a Tavola Petite Sirah or Meritage ..... never tired either of these wines before. I do have the FWK Tavola Pinot Noir & Syrah, plus the Forte PN in bulk aging. Plan is to see the difference between the Tavola and Forte Pinot Noirs next year.

I don't believe anyone has mention the new FWK for pre-order Great Australian Red Blend Tavola for $87.11. Pre-orders will be delivered mid to late September. Thoughts?

Look, the last several have come in the bag and just in a box. It's not much warmer than the stryofoam, but still cool.