First Time At Local Wine Club

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Originally posted by DancerMan
After that I will be done... honest.

Yea Right!!!

Someone on Sunday at Wine Club mentioned to my wife that I had 8 Carboys... I brought up the rabbit theory and she is still not buying it. I like Mike's idea of the closet
I am just trying to win George's monthly give away (honest).

You have to purchase something each month in order to have a chance of winning.......
If you did have a dollar for each time, you could buy a few more carboys.

Yeah, Scott, I don't think the rabbit theory will get you very far.

Hey, since my wife and I drink about 4 to 5 bottles per week, that's about 20'ish bottles per month, I'll have to make a kit every month and a half, just to keep up with demand.
Eventually I am going to have to start bottling some of this stuff. I'm going to need a bigger house!
If your friends find out about the quality of the wine, the "Demand" will definitely spike! I have yet to have anyone turn down an offer of a free bottle of wine or two, whether they knew anything about wine or not.