First Bottling

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Senior Member
Jun 25, 2009
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I'm going to be bottling my first kit this friday. Here is the label I designed. Let me know what you think...


I printed these on gum paper. Any advice on getting them on the bottle. It seems easy enough, but...

Also, what would be the best way to get the shrink wrap covers on?

Thanks for the help...
NO advise on applying the label - But I love the label. I wish we could convince our dog that having your picture taken is not cruel and unusual punishment! Even treats don't work.
hartm, I use Avery labels from Staples. They are peel off and stick labels. I love them!!

As for the shrink wraps, I use a heat gun. I place the wrap on the bottle, hold it in place with a wooden chop stick and the heat gun does the trick!!

BTW, awesome label!!
For applying the labels I set a folded wet paper towel in a saucer and swipe the label over that and apply. For the shrinksI have a pot of water at a rolling boil and slowly submerge the shrink, held in place with the little tool George sells for this purpose.
For labels I use a color copy from Staples and apply with a glue stick. For shrink wraps I got a deal on them @ .01 ea and dip them in boiling water.
Do you typically wait for the cork to stabilize before you do the shrink wraps?
You can do the shrink wraps at bottling. It is suggested that you leave the bottles upright for 24 hours before you lay them down (or turn them upside down).

Just finished up. Here is a pic of the results...


The gum labels worked great. I recommend spraying them with two coats of the polyurethane. That definitely helped.


Somebody mentioned a special tool for holding on the shrink cap while you dip it in the boiling water. I couldn't find anything on the site (not that I had the time to wait for it). I found one in my kitchen, though. A slotted pasta scoop. It worked great.

Thanks again for everyone's input.
The only tip I have for using the gummed paper is to do it when the bottles are warm and to let them sit for at least 1 full day before putting them in an area where the temp is cooler otherwise the labels will peel off fast! Ive tried it when they were cold and the labels fell off in an hour. I tried putting them on and then putting them in the cellar and they buckled like crazy but letting them dry for at least a day makes them work pretty good. Good job on the labels and the clarity of the wine!
Very good looking bottles! I love the label. Yes, I use the upside down bottle holder thingy that George sells. At least I think he sells it. It's basically a hard plastic handle with a "U" shaped head that the bottle neck rests on while you dip it into boiling water. Works great! But then apparently so does a slotted pasta
For the Heat Shrink I use the finger with the burn blister. I just dip it in the boiling water with the first bottle. After that the burn has a higer sensitivity to heat, and gives a automatic withdrawal action that works perfect everytime.