First batch of White Zinfandel

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Oct 8, 2010
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Just bottle my first batch of White Zinfandel (Vinter's Reserve). Did not rack before I bottle and now some of my bottles have a little haze in them. Will that settle out? Will it effect the taste? I think that with my next batch (starting this weekend) Cabernet Sauvignon, I rack before I bottle maybe that will help. I tried the glass that we looked at to make sure that it was clear (it was) and it tasted a little tart (grapefruit flavor), I 'm hoping that will mellow out in 30 days.
Just bottle my first batch of White Zinfandel (Vinter's Reserve). Did not rack before I bottle and now some of my bottles have a little haze in them. Will that settle out? Will it effect the taste? I think that with my next batch (starting this weekend) Cabernet Sauvignon, I rack before I bottle maybe that will help. I tried the glass that we looked at to make sure that it was clear (it was) and it tasted a little tart (grapefruit flavor), I 'm hoping that will mellow out in 30 days.

What is so special about 30 days? Why not let the wine settle a little longer?
WineExpert direction were to let it stay in the bottle for at least one month before drinking. I'm sure that we will not consume ALL of the wine in 30 days! We will open a bottle and see how it's doing...and go from there. I'm sure that the longer it sits the better it will get. But, I'm sure you know as a maker that it hard to wait for 30 days much less 6 months to a year to try your first batch!
Im in the process of making the same kit as my first batch as well. Just curious after your's cleared was there a strong odor in your wine that smells like it did when it was fermenting? As of right now mine is clear and just sitting before I tried to bottle because of this strong what seems like to me kind of gassy smell.
Wait longer to bottle, if you can stand to. Going longer is better than bottling to fast
Wait longer to bottle, if you can stand to. Going longer is better than bottling to fast

I was planning on waiting at least a month to bottle but my concern is this gassy smell I can't figure out what it is.
Mine did not have a gassy smell. It was fruity and clean smelling. I only waited the 14 days that the instructions told me to wait. I checked it with my thief and emptied the thief in a wine glass to make sure that it was clear and it was VERY clear. It was a little sharp as I explained in the orginal thread but other than that it was nice and drinkable as is. When I was bottling I had about a third of a bottle left when I was done so we drank that the same day. I hope your smell clears up!
Mine did not have a gassy smell. It was fruity and clean smelling. I only waited the 14 days that the instructions told me to wait. I checked it with my thief and emptied the thief in a wine glass to make sure that it was clear and it was VERY clear. It was a little sharp as I explained in the orginal thread but other than that it was nice and drinkable as is. When I was bottling I had about a third of a bottle left when I was done so we drank that the same day. I hope your smell clears up!

Well thats good to hear. At least yours turned out pretty decent and actually drinkable. I'm trying to figure out what I did to make it turn out wrong so I don't screw up my next kit haha. Not sure what it could of been to create this smell but maybe it will clear up over time. Enjoy your wine!

Just curious...Did you smell yours during the 14 days it was clearing? Just wondering if you had the smell then or not and maybe mine is just taking longer to clear and get rid of the smell.
Yes, I did take a few whiffs during secondary and clearing. It smelled a little yeasty in the beginning of the secondary but it went away towards the end. During clearing it became fruity, sort of like it did when I poured the juice from the kit in the primary. Did you degass by hand or did you use a whip of some kind?
Yes, I did take a few whiffs during secondary and clearing. It smelled a little yeasty in the beginning of the secondary but it went away towards the end. During clearing it became fruity, sort of like it did when I poured the juice from the kit in the primary. Did you degass by hand or did you use a whip of some kind?

I used a whip that attached to a drill. As far as the instructions said it just said to degas twice as I'm sure you know since you did the same kit, but I have read other people degas a few times a day for roughly about 3 days. Did you only degas the once or twice as in the instructions?
I degassed with a wine whip on a drill as well. But only the two times. I did "stir" for more than 60 seconds! I stirred for more than 3 minutes each time.

I have posted pictures of my carboy during clearing and the finished product in my gallery.
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