finalizing blackberry and cranberry

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Feb 23, 2008
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I Have added superkleer to some blackberry wine and to some vintner harvest cranberry wine.. As far as the blackberry goes, I made a medium bodied wine using Jack Kellers recipe on his website using 4 lbs per gallon. I made the Vintner harvest cranberry into a 3 gallon batch instead of 5.... Both batches are 6 - 7 months old... I added sugar to backsweeten and sweetened it to taste(approx 1.008) on both. The wines still lack something that I cant figure out. I believe it is flavour and they don't have much of a mouthfeel. I haven't used it before, but, I thought maybe adding some glycerin may help with the mouthfeel. I thought about addings some welchs cranberry to the cranberry wine, but, wasn't sure if it would end up too sweet tasting now that i have sweetened it allready!!
I am not really sure what to do with the blackberry. I wish I had made it full bodied. I have seen some blackberry flavouring at the local wine shop but thought that might give it a fake taste... Any ideas. I really want to get this stuff in the bottle...
By the way, the blackaberry TA is .8 and the cranberry is .7 .........Edited by: touchtoomuch
I believe that the cranberry called for welches in the beginning in the recipe on the can. Im not sure about the glycerin as Ive never tried it nor really wanted to.
I've used the Vintners Blackberry too. Twice.Difference is I use 2 -96oz cans when I make my 6 gallon batches. Then I add some Blackberry juice I steam from the berries.
I've never been disapointed in the taste or aroma, I'm still working on the sweetness that appeals to me most though.
Last batch was 1.005 and I thought it was perfect. Then I tried a bottle a couple months later and was slightly disapointed. I think I'll jazz the next way up to 1.015
That's where I put myVintnersRaspberry this last time and it's great!
I used the Vintners Harvest BlackberryBase and thought it looked thin coming out of the can...lots of water and not much pulp...Unlike the VH Black Currant that was nice and thick and full of flavor.

To the Blackberry Wine I added 2 bottles of WinExpert Red Grape Concentrate and got a nice first tho it had a sulfur smell but it has gone away...Have one case put away that will be a year old soon. The remaining bottles on the rack are very nice.
What should I do though since the wine has allready been finished. I added two cans of welchs at the beginning. i guess i am at a loss at what to do now...I think i will try adding some more welchs cranberry to a glass and see what that gets me. The color of this wine is really really weak too.
We do not like sweet wines...So I really can't help you out about sweetening it....tho I have heard tell that sometimes when you add juices at the end it might make the wine cloudy. could make a stronger batch and blend them if it is really weak...or drink it as is and add more juices next time.
Hey Touch...
Why don't you simply add some more berry juice. Get them frozen some place, then either steam the juice out or put them in a sauce pan and on low heat, stirring frequently, render them down.

Depending on how much berry you use (the more the better), you'll get your color, flavor and some additional sweetness to boot. Just pour the juice through some kind of strainer like your fruit sock and add straight to the carboy.

As far as clouding, Ive not had that problem. I did however, later rack out another 1/8" of sediment that filters down to the bottom of my 6 gallon carby after 2 weeks and my wine was exceedingly clear despite the fact that I erroneously, forgot to add any clearing agent again.
You'd think I'd remember to do that such that its recomended so, so many times huh.

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