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Junior Member
Jan 4, 2014
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Even though I am only a neophtye here in the wine making world, I wonder if any of you more experienced guys and gals have ever entered a specific wine they have made in a contest?

You know those contests they might have at a state fair or some other event. If so, how do you even know where to enter?

Just having a little fun here on a late Friday afternoon.
If you check out the Wine Competitons section of our wonderful forum, you'll see some of the contests that some folks have entered. Otherwise, you'll have to do some internet searching for competitions near you, or across the country. A quick Google search for "Pennsylvania Wine Competitions" netted me quite a few in your state. Go check it out!
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I used to enter a lot of competitions in the past. It's a great way to see what folks have to say about your wine but keep in mind, it's only how you and your spouse feel about it is what really counts. Now a days I am judging competitions. Check all the county fairs in your area first for cheap competitions. We post notices on here for larger competitions that anyone can enter. Some are free, some cost a few dollers per entry and some cost as much as $25 per entry.
Winemaker magazine deadline is coming up in May, check out their website, you get scoring sheets back, open to all amateurs. Good luck. WVMJ
I started making wine in 2011. In November, 2013 I entered 3 wines in a local winemaking competition. I won a first place in sweet grape, second place in sweet grape, and 3rd place in dry other fruit. So, it can be done.
Missouri competition is accepting entries right now. I have three bottles going in next week. Link is in competitions area of this forum.