Bottling into one gallon jugs

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Nov 13, 2011
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I have three 5 gal carboys that I will hopefully be bottling sometime in the future. Since I am planning to consume all the wines here on this hilltop farm I am planning to bottle it all in 1 gallon jugs. Is there any drawbacks to going to one gallon glass jugs?Does it age better in bottles or jugs?
Well Im not sure how long those screw caps are rated for but there have been tests and from what I remember the screw caps won over most or all other type closures. Are theye new screw caps or are you resuing used ones? For the most part wine in volume ages much better especially in not so great conditions as it harder to raise and lower the temp on a bigger volume then a smaller 1 meanoing if you took a 375 ml bottle of wine and a gallon jub both with water at the same temp and put then in the freezer the smaller volume will freeze first!
Thanks Wade. I am planning on using new glass jugs and new poly seal screw caps. I noticed that in Mr. Berry's First Steps in Winemaking, he had most of his wine in gallon jugs. However, that might have been his primary.
Should be fine althougnh I didnt ask you how long you plan on keeping these. ??
I bottle and use as secondaries in one gallon carboys. I have about 40 of them now. Easier for us older folks to handle. I also use 1/2 gallon carboys if needed then quart mason jars that go in the fridge when any left overs to be drank soon.

I learned my lesson on the metal caps! Now the plastic caps I use have a plastic in-nerd.
Well I cant say how long they will last. I have never used them nopr do I know the facts on them. Juyst remember a thread here about screw caps winning a test on aging.
Sammy, there are a lot of people here in these hills that use quart mason jars but what they put in them have a lot more octane that our wine does :)