back woods hillbilly

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Oct 23, 2014
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40 mile yonder & PLUM NOWHERE, N.E. ARKANSAW
i pray my since of humor has not offended no one unlike most of ya'll are from more modern areas, i am from the deep woods, i mean no harm to anyone to those that find my humor offencesive i appoligize to you i mean no harm to anyone, but unlike yall ii was raised in the woods away from most others,
may god bless you one an all
One thing I cant get about u Dawg: sometimes you type like you're a city boy, all perfect and what not, and other times you type like my sister texting. Its quite funny to see sometimes... :)
Ain't you heard? We are not deep woods hillbillies or hill top rednecks Dawg....we are the rural elite. Country boys can survive....think frog legs with grilled okra and a nice plum wine on the porch with the Coleman lantern hissing as background music (last Saturday night)! I ain't leaving, are you?
Gotta tell ya Dawg, I was raised in the city and have had a number of Nebraska farm boys tell me that they were sure that I was raised on the farm. And you know what...I've always considered it a compliment.

Take care!
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we have talked several times over the phone - You are down to earth and straight forward !

That is exactly how I want my friends to be - please don't apologize for who you are not.

I agree with mennyg19 = I am still trying to find out what samole means - LOL

Don't change - we like you for who you are !
Offending people happens when someone is inconsiderate of others feelings, not where they grew up or how they lived. I love seeing the variety of different wines you make and how you go about doing it.
first samole is 2 glasses all ready drank,,,, simpul...

I have been around my job had me deal with multibillionaires whom owned malls. so I had to learn city ways, and how to act human,, lol. but I still to this very day raise a garden, raise my own beef to eat, my own pigs for my own pork chops, sausage an bacon, my own chickens both for eggs and oh my gawd chicken an dumplings, I raise a special cross of rabbit you cant tell from wild, 1/2 papered red new Zealand's crossed with paper Flemish Giants, young good fryers a little older, killer on my off stick smoker. I am a hillbilly, but in high society I can fake it enough to manage, I've been in 46 of lower 48, several times in Canada most all of it, so beautiful after you leave their cities an into there country, been in Mexico several times never legal though ,, been to sum of there ronduveiws , was greatly honored, I was the only non Mexican there every time, they cooked on rocks miles from any where then throwed food up on large rocks no washing or wiping of rocks, I kissed every elders woman's hand, you've never ate Mexican food unless you picked it up off a huge rock 30 miles to nearest anything, I started thinking how filthy and ended begging to return and I did many times, I've been kissed on my forehead by many elder ladies and I take great pride in that,,, but I never ask what kind of meat, years earlier I use to eat home made burritos
till they took the old Mexican man to jail for selling dog burritos,, once I worked in Ney York for 11 months for upper people building their homes, there every carpenter square butted their joints I did not I mitered my joints, I have lived a good life but now I am happy to be home and livening a slow calm life, I raise most all my own fruit and berries... to boot I was raised in a deviate Pentecostal home, church Wednesday night, Saturday night and twice on Sunday, except when they had a revival then church 6 nights a week and twice on Sunday, I still say yes ma'am,, no ma'am,, yes sir,, no sir, I hold doors for people but when it comes to evil people I have a zero delay fuse, may god for give me.
this site is a blessing to me,,
I thank ya'll because growing up if I forgot to say yes ma'am,, no ma'am,,, yes sir,, an no sir,, and thank you mom would pop the back of my head with a slap , so old habits are hard to break,,,
and I thank you one an all for making me welcome, that makes me feel honored,
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I was taught to keep my friends close and my enemies even closer,
ya'll honor me by accepting me into your nutty semi circle, lol
but all kidding aside, I have always been to myself, i'm friendly but shy face to face and easy to embarrassed in a crowd, most my likes others don't, but I have deduced that drinking wine is nice, but wine making is a true art forum,
I take great pride when a batch pleases me, and when a batch does not please me I feel challenged to find out where I went wrong, and a ego fix when I figue out how to turn it into a pleasant taste to it after being tinkered with,
fishing has always been my way to relax, but when scar tissue shut off my trachea and they had to run a tube straight to my lungs, which ends fishing bank or boat, because with a 8 CM. running straight into my lungs water is a death sentence to me., but I found that the challenge of making wine gave me a way to relax, you don't just throw a few thing together , it takes being sanitary at all times, experiencing the different tastes as you sample each try, I like using people on here to cur teak my wines, you see aound my old friends would tell me piss water was good if they got a buz, I don't wont nore need to be flattered, I need to learn an one can only learn from the cold hard truth,,

We have met the enemy and he is us!:h
you think we are nuts now??
Just wait until after the initiation ceremony

Who's turn was it to bring the goat-leggings???


Speaking of goats, is the chat room still up and running. Bet ol Buford has made a mess of the place. Maybe we can clean it up and get together one night next week. Arne.
then I have found a most honorable home amongst my fellow an lady wineo's

Uhhh Dawg....I hate to break the news to you, but Mismost is a he.

Grandaddy taught us to shoot rifle and pistol and hunt and fish. I'm pretty good with hardballs, long or short guns. But, I never could get the hang of shotgunning....couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a boxing plank with a shotgun.

Grandaddy was an awesome wing shot and we bird hunted a lot. Shotgun shells were expensive to him and he hated waste. I'd miss two three birds and he would say "put that gun in the truck and get back over boy". I'd spend the rest of the day fetching his birds. He was telling my Mom about how I "missed most" of the birds....missed most got shortened to Mismost as his nickname for me. Yeah, that was verbal bullying by todays standards...gosh, don't know how I survived.

Fast forward decades and I'm shooting competition and am active on a couple of shooting forums. You gotta have a handle/name. I used Mismost. And every time I type Mismost, I think of my Grandaddy and how lucky I was to have him in my life.

I was about 40 when I decided that I had to learn the shotgun. Twenty years later and 10's of thousands of rounds later, I am OK with a shotgun. Last night I hit 144 outta 150 on a pretty soft sporting clays course. In competition, I am a solid middle of the pack shooter. I do not Miss Most anymore, but....I still miss my Grandaddy.

BTW, I doubt this forum has a deep gun culture. I just want y'all to know that none of my guns have ever killed a humane being...most of us "gun nuts" are in fact, not crazy.
OK THE MSMOST THRU ME, I thought a couple was sharing the profile,
as you I hunt deer some now-a-days things way different here now, people amd homes everywhere ,, I hope most everybody on here is a NRA MEMBER , I GOT MY LIFE TIME MRMBERSHIP MANY,, MANY YEARS AGO,,, AND ALL I CAN SAY IS I ,AM SO HAPPY TOBE ACCEPED BY YOU FINR BUSHEL OF NUTS, I AM VERY PROUD AN HONORED TO BE HERE

Uhhh Dawg....I hate to break the news to you, but Mismost is a he.

Grandaddy taught us to shoot rifle and pistol and hunt and fish. I'm pretty good with hardballs, long or short guns. But, I never could get the hang of shotgunning....couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a boxing plank with a shotgun.

Grandaddy was an awesome wing shot and we bird hunted a lot. Shotgun shells were expensive to him and he hated waste. I'd miss two three birds and he would say "put that gun in the truck and get back over boy". I'd spend the rest of the day fetching his birds. He was telling my Mom about how I "missed most" of the birds....missed most got shortened to Mismost as his nickname for me. Yeah, that was verbal bullying by todays standards...gosh, don't know how I survived.

Fast forward decades and I'm shooting competition and am active on a couple of shooting forums. You gotta have a handle/name. I used Mismost. And every time I type Mismost, I think of my Grandaddy and how lucky I was to have him in my life.

I was about 40 when I decided that I had to learn the shotgun. Twenty years later and 10's of thousands of rounds later, I am OK with a shotgun. Last night I hit 144 outta 150 on a pretty soft sporting clays course. In competition, I am a solid middle of the pack shooter. I do not Miss Most anymore, but....I still miss my Grandaddy.

BTW, I doubt this forum has a deep gun culture. I just want y'all to know that none of my guns have ever killed a humane being...most of us "gun nuts" are in fact, not crazy.
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