Advice for Pineapple wine

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Aug 8, 2020
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For my third batch of wine I would like to try pineapple wine. Does anyone have any experience with this?

I know its acidic but it also contains Bromelaine.

I am going to use 100% pineapple juice from concentrate (no additives)

Do I need to use any other additives to counteract the acidity?

Thanks in advance for any and all advice here.
* Yes pineapple contains a protease which can digest meat, ,,, it is just there in fresh pineapple till a protein is added, if heated as commercial juice/ concentrate the enzyme has been inactivated so ignore
* commercial canned example, pH 3.08/ 3.89, Gravity. 1.056/ 1.062, TA 0.63%,
fresh, top slice 3.82/ 1.062/ 1.22%, base slice fresh 3.73/ 1.059/ 0.84%
fresh (over ripe light browning) 4.62/ 1.062/ 0.24%

conclusion, this fruit continues to ripen as it ages, to really know what you have you should test at least for pH, you may have to add acid it is unlikely that you need to remove acid
I've made 2 batches of Pineapple/Mango Wine and in both the Pineapple flavor is quite clear and dominates the Mango even if they are about equal in lbs / gallon. Is the flavor "True" to fresh Pineapple - Hmm I've never had any wine that was truly the same or really close to same as the fresh Fruit, but: it's clear that it's pineapple and the mango presence doesn't confuse people. For me the pineapple sharpness hits first, then the hint of mango with a clear finishing taste of pineapple.
I've used canned Pineapple Juice and canned Crushed Pineapple with fresh Mangos and once with frozen Mango chunks. The Mango chunks were really not fresh ripe Mango as they were still very firm pieces and the tastes just wasn't as good as fresh. (When I was 3 we lived in Hawaii and I was spoiled forever by fresh Mango - If the juice doesn't run down my chin, it's not fresh enough) Same deal with Pineapple - If you've had truly fresh ripe Pineapple nothing quite matches that either.

The Frozen mango I purchased was where I was able to confirm to my mind that frozen fruit is often NOT as ripe as it should be, picked too soon or of lower quality.