Additives Ingredients??

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Feb 10, 2012
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Could someone give me a list of additives an Ingredients one should keep on hand so im not here in the middel of a batch of wine and have to order and wait a week for shipment.:d
Tough to answer not knowing what you are making. Kits, fruit, or juice? I keep the following on hand and make mostly fresh pressed grape wine, with a few fruit wines from puree or fresh.

acid increase: Tartaric for grape wine, acid blend for fruit.
to reduce acid: potassium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate.

yeast energizer, yeast nutrient, extra yeast

tannin,for taste. pectin enzyme for extraction and clarifying of fruit.

finning: everyone has their go-to but, tough to beat superkleer, sparkolloid, and bentonite.

extra sugar potassium metabisulfite (K-meta) potassium sorbate.

I'm sure others will chime in, I have never made a kit, but assume everything is included.
Sorry.... fruit an juice

Thanks REDBOATNY for your reply

Flem.... Working on that second hydrometer!!!
Good point Flem on the hydrometer but he asked about additives.

K-meta is potassium metabisulfite. It is available in powder and tablets. I believe most everyone uses powder, it disolves better and is easily measured usually 1/8 or 1/4 tsp. per 5 gallon batch. Some camden tabs are sodium meta and are best used for sanitizing. The sodium tabs will work in wine but may add extra sodium.