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Senior Member
Feb 26, 2005
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The strawberrys were so good I went out at 3pm to find more wound up at
a farm in Clinton, anyway didn't want to spend $50 on a batch of wine
so I picked them myself, 15qts, the kid working there asked if I wanted
some help so I gave him a 5 dollar tip up front and he picked half of
them for me, actually I was having fun, it was so nice out today and
there were so many big red berrys and they were so juicy, they tasted
like giant rasberrys. I hope the flavor comes through in the wine.


23lbs. strawberrys (that's how many I wound up with)

10lbs sugar, 2tbs nutrients, 1tbs enigizer, 4tbs acid blend, 1/4tsp
pectin enzyme, 1 1/2tsp tannin, 6 campden tabs, water to 6 + gallons.

76 degrees, 1.092SG, TA .57



How did your strawberry wine turn out?

Stinkie, You soon need to build a wine cellar...or a larger house!
I wasn't going to make any strawberry wine...BUT they smelled so good I
had to, anyone know how long strawberry wine needs to age?

Joe, I'm thinking overtime!!...maybe pull my dresser out of my bedroom
and heavy duty shelving....yea, I'm working on it!!..who needs a
My 5 gals of strawberry wine isaging now after racking from the secondary on 6/12/05. It is getting quite clear now and the taste was good when racked. According to the recipe I used it needs to age 6 months after bottling.

Hope to take a picture later of the strawberry after bottling another batch of wine and two batches of bottles really sucks!Edited by: masta
Stinkie, Those are some beautiful berries! What a great color! I need to quit buying those things in the grocery store.
On the way home from Bangor today with my new carboys, I stopped to buy a quart of strawberries and the lady said it was a bad year they were small and not sweet. I told her I bought 25qts in Clinton 3 days ago and they were the best I ever tasted, its only 20 miles away, her berries were bitter, I would not have made any wine with them, that's why I wasn't going to make strawberry wine, usually the berries in Maine are not sweet, I am thinking about 1 more batch if I can get more of those sweet berries this Friday, but it is raining now for a few days, so we will see.
Oh, Yea, the strawberry wine is BOILING in the primary, not stuck like my blueberry was!!
Just came home from picking another batch of strawberries, this batch
will be strawberry banana with banana chips from Mauii (I have a friend
in Mauii, what a if I can get the banana chips into
the water before I eat them all...THEY ARE DELISHOUS!!!



pic's of racking 1st strawberry wine to secondary, I used the racking
cane instead of the syrup filter and it worked great and a whole lot



That's gotta be the darkest strawberries Ihave ever seen. All the fruit shipped here to Hawaii are picked "half-ripe." Then they're gassed to force ripen them...usually low in taste and not juicy at all!
You folk's are very fortunate to be able to gather your products...I guess it's the trade-off for those miserable cold times.Edited by: Maui Joe
I have never seen strawberies this nice, the trick was I picked them at 4pm and had them mashed and in the primary by 9pm.
Yes those are marbels on the bottom of my strawberry wine, thanks

Stinkie, Nice looking carboy!
Isn't it nice the way the lees settle into the marbles. Remember to put the strainer in the sink when you dump the carboy.
Nice looking wine! Add a little oak and you will have one for the record books.


Reading your posts you have to be in either East Grand or Fargo. I'm over a ways south of Bemidji.
I wasn't going to put any oak in my strawberry wine, does anyone else have an opinion on oak in strawberry??
