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Hey BruceM, welcome to the forum!!!

I started off making mead then started searching on wine, Google had several links to this site. I started lurking for a while and then registered.
Tks Oldwhiskers. I've been winemaking for years but took a long hiatus with med problems. Thinking of starting again with the vineyard producing.
how I found this forum

I have been making small batches of wine and started looking around and this is where i ended up
found it while I was Surfing

While looking for info on growing grapes in Illinois I found this sight; seems you all have information to absorb.
I have for the past year read, read again and re-read Jack Keller's Blog, and I know that I will read again! LOL But tried to find other blogs on winemaking and looking at some I came across this one and have been reading the last couple of days. Your site has given me alot of help and information. I have done 7 WE kits and a made from scratch Strawberry that is in the works as I type, all since October of last year.
O used the Google MAchine to look up Wine Forums and there you were. I am 100% new and looking forward to learning.
hello everyone. name is richard .. im from al. and looking to get started in growing some grapes, make a little vino...ect... looking to make a few new friends.
funny I was googling something else and landed in the vendor section and then got to browsing.
Was wanting to make a change from kits to fruits and every question I googled, this site had the answers.
Hi, my name is Kandy. I've been making wine for about one year now. I wanted to start a batch of Skeeter Pee and was researching information about this drink. I ended up here, what a wealth of information! Thanks.

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