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  1. JackH

    Help Identifying Small Brown Spots on Grapes

    Hi all, Hoping to get a little help identifying small brown spots on my grapes. Background: 20 vine backyard vineyard in southeast Pennsylvania, Second year for the vines which are all Vidal Blanc sourced from Double A vineyards Have had vigorous growth both seasons and have kept a few...
  2. JackH

    First year vines - Blue-X tube question

    Hi all, I am in year one of a 20-vine backyard vineyard (all are Vidal Blanc) planted April 1 of this year. I'm in southeast Pennsylvania. One of my vines has daylighted out of the blue-x Tube. I have not yet run my permanent trellis wires, figuring I'd wait and see if it would be necessary...
  3. JackH

    Crusher aperture setting

    Hi all. I am transitioning to grapes this fall and am prepping some gear. I purchased a stainless steel paddle wheel crusher with adjustable aperture. What is the ideal width of the aperture for crushing? Guessing it would be a percentage of average grape diameter (i.e. 1/2 D, or 2/3 D)? I'm...
  4. JackH

    Vine Shelters and Spraying

    Hi all, Getting ready to plant a backyard vineyard (20 vines, Vidal Blanc) in SE Pennsylvania. Per recommendations, I wlll install Blue-X Vine shelters on each new vine. My question is: when it's time to implement the first year spray schedule, how should the spraying be done with respect to...
  5. JackH

    First Kit. Question about Secondary/Racking

    Hi all. Making my first wine from kit (I have prior homebrewing experience). Couple of questions, (and I have tried my best to research this here, so sorry if I missed it). First the background details: Kit is California Connoisseur 7.5L Sauvignon Blanc for 6 gallon batch; EC-1118 yeast. Day...
  6. JackH

    Advice on Soil Prep for small backyard vineyard

    Hi all. I am new to the forum and brand spanking new to attempting to grow grapes for wine making. My goal is to plant about 20 vines in my back yard and make what I can from their yield. My sentimental pipedream is to be able to grow vinifera vines (graft/rootstock) taken from my late...
  7. JackH

    Greetings from SE Pennsylvania

    Used to home brew about 30 years ago while in grad school. Now In the early/research phase of getting into wine making and growing a backyard vineyard, and hopefully not being outsmarted too much by single-cell organisms along the way! Already appreciating nuggets of wisdom gleaned from within...