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  1. O

    7 day wine kit - progress so far and question about taste

    I'm already on it and have purchased a brew belt for future brewing :D
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    7 day wine kit - progress so far and question about taste

    :u Hi Guys, I'm back and I am one happy bunny! Back at the beginning of the month I racked my wine it into 4 small glass demijohns and stashed it in the cellar. I was worried about the taste at that point but I had a taste on Friday and couldn't believe the improvement in such a short space of...
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    7 day wine kit - progress so far and question about taste

    Not thought that far ahead yet! I did have some issues using my siphon and managed to disturb quite a bit of sediment by accident, which is why I thought there may be an easier way to filter the wine when transferring to bottles later on. Should point out that my issues with the siphon were...
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    7 day wine kit - progress so far and question about taste

    Just a quick update on my first wine kit! Racked my wine and degassed for 2 days, then added my finings and it cleared really well after 5 days. According to my kit instructions I could have bottled at this stage but there was a lot of sediment so I've racked it into 4 small glass carboys so...
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    7 day wine kit - progress so far and question about taste

    Thanks guys, I guess it comes from being a bit of a worrier! It also helps that I'm off work for two weeks over Christmas so I've got plenty of time to read up on all the different terminology, techniques and recipes! I was drinking a stunning sancerre the other week and if I can get to the...
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    7 day wine kit - progress so far and question about taste

    I posted on the intro board yesterday and spent all day reading through the forum picking up helpful tips, and wanted to post my progress so far and ask a few questions. I've started out with a 7-10 day 23ltr pinot kit from wineworks (no racking or secondary ferment required) Primary...
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    Newbie from Yorkshire, UK. All the gear and no idea!

    There was a video of a guy making a degassing stick from an old plastic coathanger and then just attaching it to his hand drill. Obviously he still had to stand there with the drill but it looked a damn sight easier than stirring it by hand! Think he also made a vacuum pump from a domestic...
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    Newbie from Yorkshire, UK. All the gear and no idea!

    The kit came with a DVD (same as the online videos) and some of it is also posted on YouTube (just found some great cheats for degassing as i'm having to do mine by hand!)
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    Newbie from Yorkshire, UK. All the gear and no idea!

    Thanks guys! I've just gone through those instructions and it all sounds very similar to mine. I do have one friend who makes wine and his advice was just be patient so I've already ignore some of the timings on the instructions, such as letting my wine ferment low & slow for 14 days instead...
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    Newbie from Yorkshire, UK. All the gear and no idea!

    Hello! I've been doing some research online and just found this site which seems to have loads of helpful posts so thought I better join as I am completely new to wine making!! My love of wine is well known so my sweet Husband bought me a full starter kit for Christmas. The starter kit...