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  1. cooksrus

    Help I my fermentation is stuck

    Update: What I did yesterday was I took everything in the Primary fermenters strained out all the pulp and racked it into Carboys (1,2,&3 again). When I tested it last night it was still at 1.020 S.G. I also took a small sample and strained it then used a couple coffee filters to strain it...
  2. cooksrus

    Help I my fermentation is stuck

    Just to clarify... You would say it is best to rack the wine into a carboy to finish it as a sweeter wine. - is there anything I could do to prevent spoilage issues with having a high S.G. - would blending the finished product wine with a dry wine blend with a very dry wine just to lower the...
  3. cooksrus

    Help I my fermentation is stuck

    Still no change as of 8 am today; should I rack it and try a stronger strain of yeast and reintroduce the new yeast with a slow restart???
  4. cooksrus

    Help I my fermentation is stuck

    To Doctorcad... Do you think alcohol poisoning due to high starting S.G. Or the shocks of sugar feedings... When I made this same recipe before it worked and ended at 21% (the difference that time was that I fed the yeast the same amount but in one more dose but the same total value o sugar in...
  5. cooksrus

    Help I my fermentation is stuck

    I don't know if it matters but I forgot to mention that the macerated fruit is still in the primary fermenter...
  6. cooksrus

    Help I my fermentation is stuck

    - After we testing the wine a Full day later there is 0.000 change in the specific gravity. - I have already tried changing the temperature up to the higher limit (25'C max.), and I've also tried charging up any potentially stating that yeast that may lie on the bottom of the pail with a...
  7. cooksrus

    Help I my fermentation is stuck

    - The daily readings of the specific gravity we're done using a hydrometer, The temperatures are measured in Celsius using a digital thermometer. - The rough value of the alcohol content was based on the base readings of the specific gravity subtracted by the difference of the specific gravity...
  8. cooksrus

    Help I my fermentation is stuck

    I have been making three primary fermenters of a cranberry wine made from fresh cranberries and raising I'll see use an acid blend yeast nutrients and pectic enzyme. The fermentation started out quite well with a high gravity at the beginning at 1.120 for #1. #2 & #3 lame fermenters both...