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  1. B

    Using a juicer

    7.9 gallon buck came with my kit do I need to get something bigger?
  2. B

    Using a juicer

    Sounds like just freezing the fruit is a better process. Could someone help me out as far as will over 20lbs of fruit fit I'm one primary fermentor just seems to me that's a lot of fruit to fit in there.
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    Using a juicer

    I'm looking at making some blueberry wine but I have limited equipment most of the recipes I see call for 20lbs or more of blueberries. I was wondering if it would hurt or if anyone has made a fruit wine by putting the fruit into a juicer then adding the juice and filling the rest of the way...
  4. B

    Adding sugar during fermentation

    Jim, Can you add sugar directly to the batch even when it has been fermenting for 3 days? I was concerned about it not properly dissolving in the wine and thought it would be a safer method to make a syrup mixture using water and sugar.
  5. B

    Adding sugar during fermentation

    You have a very excellent point Bernard. I think I will also try that technique you mentioned. But also what I did not say is I didn't fill my primary completely to the 6 gallon mark so I could leave myself a little room to add if need be. But still like your comment. Thank you.
  6. B

    Adding sugar during fermentation

    I wanted to get a few opinions on this topic. I'm currently making a 5 gallon batch of island mist. When I started the batch I was at 1.050 SG I'm afraid it won't give me a high enough alcohol that I'm looking for. By my calculations around 7 percent. By adding a sugar/water mixture about 1lb to...
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    Raisins & Bananas

    I yet to make wine without using a kit yet I think I will try the dragon blood receipt soon. My question is when you say you press the fruit daily how do you perform this task?
  8. B

    can you add alcohol to wine

    Both of your have excellent recommendations like you said before Steve. I think I will take your advice and add a little after the secondary fermentation is complete then taste it to see how it is with the everclear so I don't ruin the whole batch. Thank You All for you advice on this topic was...
  9. B

    can you add alcohol to wine

    With which proof of everclear did you do that with Steve?
  10. B

    can you add alcohol to wine

    I'm just looking to bump up the abv of the wine I'm not looking for a lot just like 5% or so. I have been reading about my wine kit and its usually around 10% and I wanted to raise it a little and I was recommended everclear I was told half bottle to 6 gallons you won't taste it and it will...
  11. B

    can you add alcohol to wine

    It is a 5 gallon batch of island mist strawberry. When would you add the alcohol to the wine after you degas it? Or doesn't really matter as long as the fermentation process is complete?
  12. B

    can you add alcohol to wine

    Has anyone ever used everclear to slightly raise the abv of their wine? I was looking at doing that to my batch. Was told if you add half a bottle you can't taste the everclear.
  13. B

    Temperature Range?

    Hi Everyone, I have never made wine before and this is my first attempt. I bought a wine kit and the kit says to have a temperature between 70-75. But my basement is about 63 can I still make my wine in this low of temperature? I have read several articles about using an electric blanket...