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    Texas Grape Growin

    Sparky, thank you.... But my plans just changed and my honey do list just got bigger.... If I can squeeze out an hour ill holler at you on here. Thank you for the opportunity! Jim
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    Texas Grape Growin

    How many do you have? If stdkls28 doesn't take all of em, I'll help take some off your hands. Could come by Sunday or Monday.....
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    Texas Grape Growin

    I don't think there are many if any of that size. There's on with about 3 acres of growing near Galveston, the Haak Vineyards, pretty cool place. I'm hoping to plant about 3-5 acres this coming year or next....
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    Whittaker Farm's Vineyard

    Great looking area!!
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    Proper Way To Steralize

    Ok, thank you very much. Just worried about having any taste or anything left behind since that sanitizer is kinda slimy or slick feeling As well as the odor. We do rely on a well for water, straight from the ground to the tap.
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    Stinking catepillars!

    We found out the little boogers are a type of moth. Collected what I could and sprayed w/ BT just for good measure. We have 12 vines and 4 or 5 eaten. Hopefully they will come back. This is just a test run, seeing what I can produce before going a lot bigger next year. Have about 4 or so acres...
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    Proper Way To Steralize

    Ok, so when dumping out the sanitizing solution, do you rinse gear w/ water (tap water) or is rinsing necessary? Maybe just air dry?
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    Stinking catepillars!

    Found these little buggers on the vines, after they ate 3 of them! I guess a little BT will do the trick?