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  1. J

    RJ Spagnols Sangria with Seville Orange

    Thanks Wade... I appreciate the help! I'll keep my fingers crossed that I just had a little excess acetic acid in that particular bottle and that the sangria will be okay. We'll just be devastated if that whole batch comes out bad because it's been pure hell for us to ration out what was left of...
  2. J

    RJ Spagnols Sangria with Seville Orange

    No, I just added the vinegar-ey black cherry to the carboy of sangria about an hour or so ago. I had read many times on here about how even a miniscule amount of vinegar-related bacteria will turn a whole batch to vinegar, so I figured I was just basically screwed. The bottle of questionable...
  3. J

    RJ Spagnols Sangria with Seville Orange

    Well, Wade, sadly enough, I really have ruined this batch of sangria. I had to leave the house in the middle of my racking process and came home tired and just wanting to get it over with so I could get ready for bed. Got the degassing finished and opened a bottle of black cherry pinot to top...
  4. J

    RJ Spagnols Sangria with Seville Orange

    Well, Moose, I'd have to say we waited approximately two... maybe three... ummm... minutes. (So much for preaching patience & bottle shock theory! lol!) The initial taste-test when we were bottling was so good that we pretty much started from there and haven't stopped. I honestly can't say...
  5. J

    RJ Spagnols Sangria with Seville Orange

    When I use my Vinebrite, I just lay two yardsticks across the top of the bucket and set the filter on top of those & let it do its thing. Never thought about cutting a larger hole in the lid like that. We are down to just two bottles of sangria left from our first batch... we've been...
  6. J

    RJ Spagnols Sangria with Seville Orange

    Just wanted to let you all know that the Sangria kit is AMAZING!!! Even my husband, who isn't a wine drinker, is in love with it. In the past 2 weeks since I bottled it, he's polished off 5 bottles all on his own! I think it needs to come with a warning about how addictive it is...