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  1. B

    Just about to start my apple-jalapeno

    I made 2 batches of jalapeno wine this year, just put second batch into secondary this am. I nevr tasted or made this befor but it sounds good. When I first added all ingedients at primary and was full of sugar it tasted great, the hot and sweet,so I will probably sweeten when bottling next...
  2. B

    Blueberry wine -- too much what?

    I have made blueberry wine for years.normaly I put 5 lb. berries,2 and half lb. sugar and 1 and half lb. raisens per gall. The raisens really help give the nice body to this wine. I allways freeze the berries as this gives alot more juice and easier to mash when thawed, I use boiling water...
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    Ground Cherries

    Im new to site, been making wine for years. I have a new fruit that Im going to make a batch later this year after all the fruit is done. Ground Cherries, anyone ever tasted or made wine from them? This is the first time growing these, they are very tasty like a cross between pineapple and...
  4. B

    Top 3 best tasting fruit wines?

    Sour Cherry,Wild Black Rasberry, Elderberry, in that order, I also make a pretty awsome Dandilion Wine. Boozeboy