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  1. J

    Blueberry Wine From Bottled Juice

    The local organic foods store has all sorts of organic non preservative bottled juices. I'd like to make a 5 gallon batch of blueberry wine but couldn't find a recipe that used only juice. How much juice should I substitute into a recipe that calls for blueberrys? I'd like a medium body wine.
  2. J

    Chateau Morrisette Red Mountain Laurel

    Rick- I'm pretty new to wine but have made lots of beer. I'm into my second batch of wine now. Any other suggestions or advice you might care to share I would love to hear. Josh
  3. J

    Welch's Wine

    Pitched yeast on Wednesday and went out of town. Got back today and it's bubbling like crazy in the primary. Looks like a success, just wait for that yeast to work it's magic. Stay Tuned.
  4. J

    Welch's Wine

    So here goes guys. Documenting my wine making here for the first time. The 5 Gallon Recipe: 17.5 Cans of Welch's 100% Concord Grape Juice (Yellow lid, 3.5 cans per gallon) 5 Pounds Sugar 2 Tbsp. Yeast Nutrient 3/4 Tsp. Pectic Enzyme 1 Tbsp. Acid Blend Water to make 5.5 Gallons I...
  5. J

    Jack Keller Welchs Concord Concentrate Wine

    I'm not sure if this is in the right forum or not but I would assume lots of people making fruit wine might use canned juice or frozen fruit.... I want to make some Concord Grape wine from Welchs frozen concentrate. I found this recipe on Jack Kellers website...
  6. J

    Chateau Morrisette Red Mountain Laurel

    Has anyone here tried Chateau Morrisette Red Mountain's what the call a sweet red table wine......I think it's pretty heavy on the grape flavor, like welch's and is really sweet.... Does anyone have a recipe for a clone of it? My wife adores it. Thanks Josh
  7. J

    High Alcohol Sweet Redneck Country Style Wine

    Not sure what "cello" is? Oh after a quick google I see what definitely not. The guy said it was his own home brew.
  8. J

    High Alcohol Sweet Redneck Country Style Wine

    Not looking for anything like corn whiskey....... I remember several years ago a guy showed up to a party I had with some peach wine that was super sweet and boy was it strong......must've been 16% or better......but man oh man was it good. Wasnt the least little bit high class but it was...
  9. J

    High Alcohol Sweet Redneck Country Style Wine

    From what I can tell as a newbie from my notes the ABV of the apple should be around 10%....... I was hoping to make something stronger than that. Something that will lead to bad decisions when it comes out of the cabinet.
  10. J

    High Alcohol Sweet Redneck Country Style Wine

    High alcohol means anything over 12% I would think......I guess I was just listing everything I've heard about most people "country wine"
  11. J

    High Alcohol Sweet Redneck Country Style Wine

    Hey Guys- So I just finished a batch of semi-dry Apple Wine that turned out really well. I'm interested now in trying to make some Redneck style wine.....high alcohol, really sweet, ready to drink as soon as it ferments. Any advice, recipes mostly? Links to other threads? I know it's not...
  12. J

    Really Simple Skeeter Pee

    So again in an effort to make things totally dumb newbie friendly I pitched my yeast this afternoon after simply hydrating it in warm water for 15 minutes.......I'm happy to report it's foaming like crazy and we all know what that means!! Will keep you all posted here....I'm very much looking...
  13. J

    Really Simple Skeeter Pee

    Hey Guys- I'm brand new to this whole winemaking thing but I just wanted to share with you all what I was doing right now. I have been reading lots of problems people have using Lemon Juice from the grocery store to ferment. So I decided to try a little different route since it's so cheap. I...
  14. J

    HELP! Apple Wine Tastes Sour! What Did I Mess Up?

    Whew! Thanks for the advice guys, I'm glad it's just the phase its in. So for my next batch I'd like to make something that wont need to age so long before we can drink it. Something that I could drink immediately after bottling. Any suggestions? Thanks Josh
  15. J

    HELP! Apple Wine Tastes Sour! What Did I Mess Up?

    So I started my apple wine based on a recipe at EC Krauss.... I used organic all natural no preservative apple juice from the whole foods store. I started it three weeks ago, I racked it into the secondary two weeks ago. I just racked it off again to another carboy. I just checked the...