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  1. V

    DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

    Awesome thanks :)
  2. V

    DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

    If it's very acid in the DB should I cut down on the citrus juice? Sorry for the noob questions I've only been making wine for a month ;)
  3. V

    DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

    I was thinking of doing mango in with it too but I have only ever made one batch of wine from a kit (which I just bottled yesterday lol) so I'm a little nervous to stray from the kits but also really excited to and I don't want to spend a whole lot if I don't have to just in case. The can of...
  4. V

    DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

    I have a large can of pineapple that needs to get used up and I was thinking a dB might be a good use for it....I have never made it before though so I was wondering could I do straight pineapple or should I add other fruit to it?
  5. V

    Other first time brewer

    Sorry. One more would I make a cider sparkling? Would champagne yeast do it or do I need a keg?
  6. V

    Other first time brewer

    Wow! You guys are awesome I can't wait to hit up my local supply store and get my next batch going thanks so much for the awesome advice!
  7. V

    Other first time brewer

    Apple pear sounds like a fantastic combo, however, where I live pears aren't in season. Could I make a cider out of a good quality organic apple juice?
  8. V

    Other first time brewer

    Thanks again I said this is my first time, but I've always had an interest in it. I do intend on buying books when I can. In the meantime I was hoping this forum would help me. I plan on keeping a journal of my adventures in wine making. I tend to jump in head first and go all in...
  9. V

    Other first time brewer

    Is there a reason one would need to top up a you loose liquid at all?
  10. V

    Other first time brewer

    Also could you tell me what the thing in the box is for and there were a few of these clear plastic rod things in the box of stuff I was given..are they relevant to wine or beer making? They seem to magnify if that helps
  11. V

    Other first time brewer

    Thanks for the info I do have another carboy and primaries now I'm thinking of trying the cider just to see what happens
  12. V

    Other first time brewer

    So my husband bought me a wine kit and supplies a couple of weeks ago. However at the time I only had a glass carboy to do my primary fermenting in. Is that okay? Also it is due to go in a secondary on Sunday and the bubbling in the airlock has slowed down to one or two bubbles every 30 seconds...