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  1. S

    Blackberry port yeast?

    Thanks WVMJ, I'm after a full bodied sweet port but I'm new to this so I'm kind expecting it not to work as planed, though I'm hopeful. I have not added any acid as you sugested earlier. I have only had experience with a ph pen for my fish tank as I have kept many different sorts of fish over...
  2. S

    Blackberry port yeast?

    So, I got the sg to 1100 after adding about half a kettle. :) but my ph is now reading 2.0. I'm not sure if that's correct so I'll have to see if my ph pen is reading correctly tomorrow.
  3. S

    Blackberry port yeast?

    Thanks Deezil, I'll take it nice and slow. Will the pulp in the muslin bag affect the readings? As it won't mix through as well? I'm hoping if the flavour is to thin I can add an f-pack later. I also have more blackberries and red grape juice I can use. Sorry if these are stupid questions...
  4. S

    Blackberry port yeast?

    I forgot to mention, I also added the light dry malt.
  5. S

    Blackberry port yeast?

    Well, I defrosted 11kg of blackberry's. Popped them in a muslin bag, squashed as much as I could. Once I got as much juice as I could I place the bag of pulp in the bucket with the juice, added the campdon tablets, yeast nutrient and one liter of water that I desolved a kg of sugar into. I...
  6. S

    Blackberry port yeast?

    I forgot to mention that my blackberry's are wild most are nice and ripe. I go out every day and puck only the best ones. So they are still a bit sour, firm and not to squishy. We have had a bit of rain so some are the biggest I've ever seen in the wild.
  7. S

    Blackberry port yeast?

    Thanks. I thought I may have chose a hard wine to start with but who doesn't love a bit of port!!! Lol. ill do a bit more research and see how I go. I am having loads of fun. It's so rewarding learning new things. If I make a mistake and it doesn't work I will still have had fun picking the...
  8. S

    Female vs Male Wine Makers Poll

    I'm a woman, my husband just buys his beer. I love to learn how to produce my own foods, live of the land, that kind of thing. I have only just started wine making but I love the idea of growing my own fruit or collecting wild fruit and turning it into wonderful things like preserves and best of...
  9. S

    Blackberry port yeast?

    Well, my freezer is bursting full Of blackberry's and I can still pick more. I don't think I can wait till I do the wine coarse to start my Blackberry port as I would like to free up some space. I still have two questions 1 I don't have an acid test kit can I get away without one or should I...
  10. S

    Blackberry port yeast?

    Thanks, Step feeding sounds perfect. I will definitely give that a go. :) I am attending a short 2 hour wine coarse at my local brew shop in February so I will wait till after that to start my batch. I'm so excited. By then I will probably have about 40kg of wild blackberry's in my freezer. I'm...
  11. S

    Blackberry port yeast?

    Thank you mountain Jack. I'm in Melbourne, Australia. It seems that a few things are different here. I have got a yeast nutrient that reads on the pack " nutrient salts. This additive provides the yeast with essential nutrients needed for fermentation. It also assists in the prevention of the...
  12. S

    Blackberry port yeast?

    Hi, fellow brewers. I'm very new to making wine. I have one gallon of blackberry wine in a secondary and 3 galleons of vanilla apricot mead in a primary bubbling away nicely. That's all the experience I have but they both seem to be going well. Anyway i have 24 kg of wild blackberry's in my...