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  1. O

    Martinelli's bottles

    I've got a capper from my beer-making gear. Any problem with using an oxygen absorbing cap when bottling a sparkling pear cider in a Martinelli bottle? Anybody tried capping their wine in one?
  2. O

    Choke cherries--2014

    Hey wyogal - I'm from the same neck of the woods. I picked a ton of chokecherries over at Palisades/Alpine area last fall. Didn't know what to do with them all, and started out with a 3 gallon batch of wine. I went through all the steps from picking to fermenting it out really dry. I...
  3. O

    Rhubarb wine

    Sorry can't be much help in terms of the malolactic fermentation question. I'm thinking of making my own rhubarb wine. I've got more than I know what to do with, but I've always been disappointed in the color of mine when making pies/crisps, etc. I get green stalks, almost never any red...
  4. O

    Female vs Male Wine Makers Poll

    After voting and getting the poll results, I'd have to say I agree, and the 15% women might even be generous. I've just gotten into making wine, and have been to a few classes, asked around a lot, hung out at the local brew store, etc. So I've run into about 20-25 people who make...
  5. O

    primary fermentation problems/odors

    Making my second batch of wine ever. Terry Garey's "Liquid Sunshine" which is a carrot/apricot/orange wine. I've got in in the secondary fermenter now, looks okay, airlock giving off a nice champagne yeasty smell. But at primary fermentation, I added the yeast dry out of the package, and it...
  6. O

    stabilizing before bottling necessary?

    I made my first batch of wine on a total whim. Never made wine/beer before this batch of chokecherry wine. I was scouting a turkey hunting spot, and got into a huge patch of the chokecherries, not really sure why I even picked so many. Anyway, looked online for what to do with them, and...