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  1. nickweg

    When to Rack off Gross Lees for Strawberry Wine?

    Thanks for the reply Arne. I'll hold off a bit and then rack. Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
  2. nickweg

    When to Rack off Gross Lees for Strawberry Wine?

    I have a batch of Strawberry going right now and need a little advice. Here's how I got to where I'm at: Started wine with an initial SG of 1.091 after 4 days in the primary the SG was down to 1.009 so I racked to the secondary. I racked everything so now I have some pulp and the gross lees...
  3. nickweg

    Proper SG before moving Strawberry Wine to secondary

    Am I ok as long as it doesn't bubble out of the airlock? I checked on things this morning and I haven't got any bubbling into the airlocks. Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
  4. nickweg

    Proper SG before moving Strawberry Wine to secondary

    Here's an update: SG tonight was 1.009 so I decided to rack to the secondary. I ended up with 4.5 gallons out 5 gallons of must. The fermentation seems to be going stronger than expected and I can't top off the 3 gallon carboy or it will bubble through the airlock. I moved everything to my...
  5. nickweg

    Proper SG before moving Strawberry Wine to secondary

    Thanks for the info D.J.! Is there a reason to rack to the secondary with a lower or higher SG in the 1.000 -1.010 range? Just learning here so pardon all my questions :) Would it be bad to run the wine through a filter or cheesecloth as I transfer to the secondary to get all the...
  6. nickweg

    Proper SG before moving Strawberry Wine to secondary

    I have a batch of Strawberry going right now in the primary fermenter. The initial SG was 1.091 and after 2.5 days it is now 1.030. I'm getting conflicting information as to when I should move the wine to the secondary. How low should I allow the SG to go before moving? The fermentation...
  7. nickweg

    "Yeasty" Aftertaste

    Thanks Turock! You have been amazing. I appreciate all the help. This forum is full of great people! Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
  8. nickweg

    "Yeasty" Aftertaste

    Thanks again for all the great info. I just picked the strawberries today. I plan on freezing them before crushing them. Do recommend freezing with or without stems? Does it matter?
  9. nickweg

    "Yeasty" Aftertaste

    Turock and JohnT, Thanks for all the great information. Especially the info on yeast nutrient. I will def be using some going forward. I used Montrachet yeast that came with a starter kit I bought awhile back. Is there a different yeast I should be using? Any suggestions would be great...
  10. nickweg

    Strawberries are ready

    Thanks for the advice! I'll try racking more often this time and see if that helps. You are correct :) It sure builds up fast!
  11. nickweg

    "Yeasty" Aftertaste

    Thanks for the help everyone. I'll post what kind of yeast I used tonight. I'm at work and don't know what it is right off hand. I did not use nutrient. Just out of curiosity, why should I use nutrient this go around? Fermentation never stalled that I could tell. Is there another...
  12. nickweg

    "Yeasty" Aftertaste

    Paul, I made a 5 gallon batch the first go around. I hand crushed 18 pounds of strawberries inside of a mesh bag that was placed in the primary fermenter. I then added water and sugar. I added the so2 and waited 24 hours. I then added pectin and pitched the yeast. After about 5 days the...
  13. nickweg

    Strawberries are ready

    Great advice! I just finished my first batch of strawberry wine and wished I used way more berries. I'm getting ready to go pick strawberries this weekend and make a second batch. Does anyone have any advice on how to keep the pulp out of the wine during primary fermentation? I felt like I...
  14. nickweg

    "Yeasty" Aftertaste

    Hello! I just bottled my first batch of strawberry wine. I'm happy with the color, smell and initial taste of the wine. However, the aftertaste is less than desirable. It tastes "yeasty" if that makes since. I was hoping for a crisp, clean aftertaste. I'm getting ready to go pick...
  15. nickweg

    Racking Question

    When I transfered the first time alot of sediment was transferred and it was still fermenting. Right now there isn't alot of sediment in the carboys after the second transfer and I don't see any bubbles. The current SG is somewhere between .096 and .094. Did I ruin this batch since I didn't...