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  1. nickglassfl

    Strawberry Wine Problem/Error?

    Hay-lo! So I decided to give my first attempt at strawberry wine. Here is what I did. -Cleaned 2 lbs fresh strawberries -Put in food processor for about 3 minutes -While the processor was still running, I added about 1/2 c sugar and as much sterile water as the processor could hold...
  2. nickglassfl


    Hey everyone! I've been using old gallon jugs as fermentation chambers and want to run some larger batches. Has anyone ever tried a 5 gallon water jug (like the kind that sits on a water cooler)? I want to be sure this will be non-reactive. Also, it is should I paint it? -Nick
  3. nickglassfl

    Where to buy?

    Thank you everyone! I will be spending a lot if time reading in these forums. Lol.
  4. nickglassfl

    Where to buy?

    Indeed. Outskirts if Tampa to be more precise. I'm in heartiness zone 9a. I'd actually prefer seed, as I intend not to harvest for a couple seasons.
  5. nickglassfl

    Where to buy?

    Hey folks, I'm no stranger to fermenting, but am new to wine. I'm positive I want to grow my own plants, but have waded through so much, just looking for some guidance. I'd like to know know some good species for a pretty tropical climate, and where I can purchase the seeds. -Nick