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  1. J

    Bulk aging suggestions

    Obsession reached I have 36 gallons total in carboys and about 6 gallons in a primary. I have not tried any kits since I live in the country and it is dry, think Baptist, here. I am making pretty much all fruit wines, but I did some rocket fuel experiments from store bought juices. I may...
  2. J

    Bulk aging suggestions

    One more If you bulk age 6-8 months, how long to age in the bottle before drinking? I suppose you could always just drink it from the racking tube.:)
  3. J

    Bulk aging suggestions

    Thanks I was planning on waiting til spring at least. I guess I will wait til I need the carboys next yr when fruit starts coming in season again. So sediment 1 in rack, if not every 3 months. Campden every other time. Thanks, the only bad thing is I know a couple of them taste okay NOW...
  4. J

    Bulk aging suggestions

    I just started wine making this summer. I now have 3 5 gallon carboys of wine that has fermented out, ie the airlock is not moving. When this has happen to the wine, I have racked it and added campben. Now I know as a new wine maker patience is the key. So, one wine is pear, one a cherry...
  5. J

    My Peach Wine

    Love it I love the idea of just sucking it out of the tube. I have thought of doing that with a couple of the beers I have brewed. Why bottle it when you can just drink it from the carboy! :)
  6. J

    Stuck wine? Need Help!

    Thanks mmadmike1 I didn't do this with the pear since I had already racked it when you suggested. But I made a cherry melomel and when it was done in the primary the blueberry was only in the 1.070 range so we put the bottom of the cherry in the blueberry. It has helped tremendously. So...
  7. J

    Help!!!Blueberry wine problem

    Sweet and slightly alcoholic. Not bad. Sorry I think I accosted the other guys thread. On Fri I was at 1.065, now 1.063 SG. I already took the blueberries out. Should I put it in a carboy with muslin on top/airlock or will that slow it more? Should I try adding some of the other fermenting...
  8. J

    Help!!!Blueberry wine problem

    Is it just slow? This is my question. Is blueberry just slow or is there a problem with it. 7 weeks in the primary is a long time. I am worried it is going to get contaminated. I just started a cherry melomel and they are sitting next to each other. It is driving me crazy cause every time...
  9. J

    Help!!!Blueberry wine problem

    Same question I was just going to post this same question. I started a blueberry wine 2 weeks ago and it is only at SG 1.065 down from 1.095. The reason I am posting to this is to see what everyone has to offer you as suggestions. But can I ask you a question? At what point did you take it...
  10. J

    Stuck wine? Need Help!

    Wish I had know Wish I had know that last night! The pear is in the secondary. I have another yeast starter going. I am going to slowly add the must over several additions. I did keep about 1 pint of the pear in the fridge for topping off. Maybe I will warm it back up and throw it in as...
  11. J

    Stuck wine? Need Help!

    Another ? On the blueberry, would it be a good idea to take the fruit out? It has been in there a week, and even though I have had little fermentation wouldn't all the juice be about out any way?
  12. J

    Stuck wine? Need Help!

    Did I screw up? I thought you were supposed to star the wine with an SG of about 1.095 for a 12% alcohol. So I got right at about 1.095. It has gone down to 1.020. I am so green it is sad. I wish my grandparents were alive since they did this well. I thought the wine finished at abound 1.0...
  13. J

    Stuck wine? Need Help!

    Okay On the blueberry. I added 5 t of nutrients- I am ambitious and started with 5 gallon batches probably folly I know- in the beginning. I just added 2 1/2 more. I guess I will see how it is tomorrow and if it is not sizzling better add more yeast. On the over zealous pear. I found a...
  14. J

    Stuck wine? Need Help!

    nutrient I added 2 1/2 t nutrient. I will start a starter tomorrow and see if it gets it going better. I was worried this would happy as it was not very active in the beginning. I racked the pear and it wants to blow out the bung. Any ideas? It is at SG 1.02. If that helps. Thanks everyone.
  15. J

    Stuck wine? Need Help!

    Yes and how Yes I have been stirring once a day. What exactly is a yeast starter. Do I get another package of yeast, take some must and wait til it starts working and dump it in and stir?