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  1. gibblett53

    newbie questions about primary

    That sounds like a good idea, I was thinking of over steeping a few teabags and using it to make a simple syrup to backsweeten after I stablize. Great info everyone I really appreciate all the help.
  2. gibblett53

    newbie questions about primary

    Thank you for the caclulation. I plan on getting a hydrometer as well as the rest of the must haves for equipment as soon as my local homebrew store opens next monday. Would adding more sugar result in a higher ABV or would that be determined by the type of yeast used?
  3. gibblett53

    newbie questions about primary

    the lock had been releasing gas at a steady pace. it has recently slowed to a bubble or two escaping every 10 to 15 seconds.
  4. gibblett53

    newbie questions about primary

    yes i followed the recipe for the amount of sugar... the recipe called for 7.5 lbs. of sugar for 5 gal.
  5. gibblett53

    newbie questions about primary

    unfourtunately i do not currently have a hydrometer, my local homebrew store is closed untill after the 4th.
  6. gibblett53

    newbie questions about primary

    Ok so I am new to the forums and new to wine making, and I seem to have a problem. I started a 5 gal batch of hard tea or tea wine. Its currently been in the primary for about 7 days… here is the problem, after I pitched the yeast and nutrients I sealed the primary lid and fitted an air lock...