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  1. B

    What went wrong?

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions. So I got my wife to give it a try and low and behold no bad reaction. So there must be something in there that seems to affect me which sucks because I did all the work. Lol. Oh well maybe I’ll look into getting some tests done to see what may be causing my...
  2. B

    Oily wine. Dump it?

    Hey guys. Had some good advice in a strawberry wine I am attempting to make and wanted to show you what is going on with a peach wine. It has an oily sheen to it which I’m guessing is a sign of some sort of bacteria. Questions is how do you get rid of it and is it harmful. Here’s a couple pictures.
  3. B

    What went wrong?

    Oh did not triple the yeast. Used one packet.
  4. B

    What went wrong?

    I ordered the kit btw. Gonna try that too. I’m sure it’s something I did early on but just can’t seem to figure out the issue. I don’t. Have any allergies I’m aware of. Drink sweet wines religiously as well as traditional styles (chards, cabs, Pinot) I have a peach wine I made the same way...
  5. B

    What went wrong?

    A small sample has been 1oz or less
  6. B

    What went wrong?

    This is the recipe I used to create the must. I used frozen strawberry instead of fresh though. I just tripled the amounts based on a three gallon batch. Ingredients 3.5 lbs. Strawberries (fresh or frozen) 112 oz. water 2 lbs. sugar 1 tsp Acid Blend 0.5 tsp. Pectic Enzyme 1 Campden Tablet...
  7. B

    What went wrong?

    I punch it two to three times daily while it was in primary. And stirred it around to get some O2 in there. I sampled it throughout and had no issues until after I put it in the carboy for a week or so. And then I added the campden and pot sorbate. Then it was a different story. Maybe the...
  8. B

    What went wrong?

    These are images of the various stages
  9. B

    What went wrong?

    Oh btw I do not have an allergy to strawberries. Love them. It’s just bizarre when I taste this wine my system goes a little haywire. Maybe need to let it sit awhile and give it another small sample. I would have my wife try it but not sure that would go well if it got her sick. Lol
  10. B

    What went wrong?

    All great points. The one thing I didn’t add and I don’t think this would affect any toxin per say but when I put the campden tablet in after going into one gallon carboys I crushed it and added directly. Did not dissolve very well. Rookie mistake I supposed. Tried to mix it in but there was...
  11. B

    What went wrong?

    S.G was 1.07 when I first measured it and that was with some sugar still on the bottom. Fermentation went about 3 days and hydrometer read 1.01. Transfered to carboy for secondary and after another 2-3 days reading was .99. Very dry. Did not take PH reading in the beginning but ph now is 3.3. I...
  12. B

    What went wrong?

    Hi all. I’m new to making wine so I starting with a strawberry. Found a recipe from a reputable site and followed instructions as I read them. Ordered the equipment, yeast, carboys etc abs sanitized everything each time I interacted with the wine. It looks good, taste good, ph readings good...