WOW! (Again0

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Senior Member
Dec 1, 2007
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My pretty strawberry rhubarb wine had to go down the drain!! It got so I was afraid to walk by my wine rack because every time I went into the basement wine room, another bottle of it had exploded! I got tired of mopping the floor. I finally looked back at my wine logs and discovered that I hadn't put any sorbate in!! DUMB MISTAKE!!! I had even put shrink caps on them and believe it or not, on 1 bottle, instead of blowing the cork it broke the bottle, leaving the cork still sealed in the neck. Unbelievable!! My wife said,"I'm not drinking that stuff!!!!!
Thats amazing..and tragic hanna....what was your beginning and ending sg on it?
Tragic, simply tragic!

You could have uncorked what was left into a bucket to see how much was left and then added a bit more k-meta and sorbate, degas, let stand a few days and rebottle. It is a lot of extra work, but would have probably saved the wine.

At least that should be the end of the exploding fizz-bombs.
Hannabarn, Ican sympathize with you. I made a "hillbilly wine" once and made the same mistake; no K+ sorbate; and was watching TV one night when I heard the explosion. Only made two 1.5 L bottles and while cleaning up the mess from bottle #1, bottle # 2 exploded. I call that a lifetime lesson
The beginning s.g. was 1.085 and fermented to dry (.096). I back sweetened it to 1.000. It's a shame because the little bit I salvaged tastes really good for only about 2 months old! Rich, I don't think I could have salvaged much. I uncorked them in the laundry tub and had to almost turn my back as I uncorked them!! Lots of fizz and foam. Basement smells nice tho!!!!!
Several years ago I bottled my first Belgian-style beer too early and I had the same problem (only beer bottles are thinner so they tend to explode). I came home one evening and thought, "Why does my house smell like a party?" It was so very sad.

I managed to save the rest of the beer by throwing it into the coldest drawer of my fridge so the fermentation stopped. It was still over-carbonated but I just named it, "Exploding Ale" and made sure I poured it into a pitcher first and waited a while for the foam to go down before I served it.

Sorry about your wine. It sounds so delicious too - I love strawberry-rhubarb jam and have been thinking about making that type of wine.
Hanna, I had the same problem with my Plumb wine but id as Appleman said to you as there was no way Im throwing anything out that tastes good. I manged to salvage 2 gallons by letting it ferment dry again and resweeten. I did drink one bottle sparkled and brought another bottle over to a neighbor who seemed to be having a bad day and I offered it to her and she was like "Give me that bottle of sparkling Plumb"! I opened it for her just to be sure I wasnt handing her a bottle bomb but all the corks were being held on by the shrink wraps literally! The wine still turned out good after all and I still have 1 or 2 bottles left which is for special occasoin like a member of this forum coming over.
It does make feel a little better knowing it has happened to the experts on this forum. At least I know where I made my mistake and it won't happen again. I was able to save about 1 bottle which I am consuming. It is good enough that I will make it again next year when the rhubarb and strawberries are in season. Thanks for the condolences!!!!!!!