Wine Supply in Canada

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Mar 22, 2013
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I've been looking for quite some time for a good wine supply place online to order from. I live a good distance from, well, anywhere and so need to order online, which is great if you live in the States. I'm looking primarily for a wide variety of yeasts. Help please!
Try Googling "wine making supplies Canada" . A few came up, but I haven't dealt with any of them, so don't wish to give the idea that I'm recommending any.

So where exactly (or generally) is "a good distance from anywhere".

I've done the basic Google many, many times. I live in rural Alberta about 45 minutes from the nearest grocery store. Certainly far from any wine supply. I do go to school in Lethbridge but the shops here don't have the variety in yeast I want.
I've done the basic Google many, many times. I live in rural Alberta about 45 minutes from the nearest grocery store. Certainly far from any wine supply. I do go to school in Lethbridge but the shops here don't have the variety in yeast I want.
Which yeast do you want? Standard stores primarily deal with the major distributors, and when I ran a store in BC, it was difficult to get the 5 standard Lalvin retail packaged yeasts from those distributors, never mind anything more exotic.

Some stores in the US will ship to Canada, but I'd guess that the shipping on a few packets of yeast might be excessive.

UPDATE: Check out Bosa Grape. I have never dealt with these guys but did talk to them way back about 2004. Probably changed a lot since then. Anyway, they appear to carry a lot of different yeasts, in different sizes (including 10kg).

Good luck, Steve
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Hello ,

Try to contact :Grapes to Glass

Address: Suite 11-275 Shawville Blvd SE, Calgary, AB T2Y 3H9

Phone 403 254-5122
I find them very helpful . They ship via Canada Post .
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Thanks to all! Both look promising! Somehow I missed Gapes to Glass! That's the obvious one!
Ill send you any yeast you like. Fresh too.

I'm in Hamilton. (Technically Stoney Creek)
I've tried, to ship a small padded envelope runs around $10. start getting into boxes and we are looking at shipping of $40 and up!
sorry guys, if worse comes to worse, I can ship it but it will cost.
And I'm headed to the LHBS at noon. So if you make me a list of yeasts I can have it shipped today.
Wow. The community here is fantastic! ha ha Thanks for the offer jimmyjames23! That's incredibly kind of you but I already bit the bullet on shipping and ordered what I need. Again, thanks so much though.
Well let me know for next time. My LHBS's carry every lalvin yeast out there at $1 each. The most you would pay on shipping a ten pack through Canada post is $2.
I am up here in Medicine Hat. Don't know if LHBS will ship, but I can definately grab what you need and stick it in an envelope. Home Brewers Haven is who I use here in Medicine Hat and they have the Lavlin brand.