Wine Presses

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Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
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Okay, let's suppose I go out and buy 40# of grapes. I could probably get my family to destem them for me, and even help me crush them. But, how would I press grapes, without having to buy an expensive wine press? I'm pretty handy. Anyone have plans for a home-made wine press?

Also, let's say I get the grapes pressed. I understand I would work the process much like making fruit wine (as if grapes are not fruit). Would I need to adjust sugar, acid, and concentration? Add Bentonite? Or just pitch yeast and stand back?

Unfortunately, there are no recipes on the forum for GRAPE wine.

If I'm in over my head, tell me. I can take it. It would save me a road trip this weekend to pick grapes.
Go to the Wine Maker's Toy Store Home Page by clicking link at top of page:

Look for Resources on left hand column and find "Online winemaking books" near bottom of page. There is plenty of infoon the steps to making wine from fresh grapes.

George also carries all the equipment to help you with this process when you move up from 40# of grapes to 400#!
Also, know that 40# of winegrapes will not make much wine. I think the figure is something like 15# grapes/gallon of finished wine desired. This is one reason why I would rather use muscadines and scuppernongs. 6#/gallon of finished wine desired. You would be better off getting a pail of grape juice, depending on where you live.
I agree with Hippie. 100 lbs grapes = 5 gal juice. Without a press it a bit of a job. You will need to make your adjustments. A lot depends on the ripeness of the grapes, the sugar content etc.

I do rent the presses for those who aren't ready to buy. In addition, all rental payments can be applies to a purchase at a later date.