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Arctic Contributor
Oct 26, 2008
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Good to see you all again, am quite impressed how the site has grown but am not surprised.

2 years in a Thai prison would make anyone lose touch. Luckily it wasnt me.


Been a long long winter here, we still have tons of snow and are like 2 weeks plus, late for Spring. This time last year it was 60F above and everything was dried up.

We still have like 2 feet of snow on the ground right now. Suppose to get back to normal and all this sheet should be gone in a week or so. But, considering we get our snow firsst week in october, a couple weeks means alot.

Craziet thing is we are up to like 17 hours Sunlight.

other than that Sids still here. Never left .

I'll be in touch, have some things to post I want to win a t shirt, if its really good maybe a wet one.

In the mean time, life is short. Cherish all the moments. They are significant.

Been awhile since seeing a post from you, welcome back. We get back into the 80's here later this week.
Hey baba good to see you pop in, it's been way too long! So are you still making/drinking the 2 week wine or anything else? Troy what are you doing now a days. Did you get internet service back or still posting from the university?
Howdy Troy,
Good to see ya again. Been a long winter here too, but nowhere near as bad as yours. Trees are starting to bloom, won't be long til we have fresh fruit to ferment. Arne.
Ive been lurking. I have never left, just took a break.

Mis everyone here, and miss being part of the group.

I have been so "inactive" for so long, I was afraid I may no longer be accepted as a contributing member.

I know of course thats not true, but for personal issues, my enthusiasmn has been hard to maintain.

I havent even made a batch of wine in months. LOL. But its coming.

I am going to post some more suff in the days to come. Have some great recipes to share for one thing.

Just made a batch of pickled Hot Dogs. LMAO> No kidding, was loking around about pickled sausage recipes and came across this. Seth would like this!

Talk to you all in a bit.

Great to be back around.

Miss all the comaraderie and friends I have here.

I have been here way too long to ever step aside. That is not what I have done.

Im serious as hell. I have always knew about pickled hot links.

this is so simple.

Only because it is still an experiment, I bought two super cheap pack of hot dogs. Like $1.25 each, it says its made with meat. LOL

cut them into thirds and put them in your jar. I should say sterilized so you dont blame me. LOL I used a 2 qt canning jar.

Use 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup water, and 1 cup of that leftover pickle juice in the back of your fridge. I used olive juice brine.

(disclaimer: I JUST made this, wait till Saturday for a report on the outcome) LOL

Now you have 3 cups of brine, I added 1 TBLS garlic powder and some other stuff.

I wil post the recipe shortly. Bring it to a boil, reduce the heat 5 minutes cool for 5 minutes pour hot brine over dogs seal, refirgerate and wait one week, then prepare fof the heart burn.
Hehe, sounds promising to me. Might be worth trying with some bratzwurst if this one turns out good. Be sure to tell me how it turns out.