White fly management

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Sep 1, 2012
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I have a small home vineyard with four, six year old syrah plants and six, first year petite syrah plants. I harvested a nice crop from the syrah vines about a month back. About two weeks ago leaves from all ten plants started turning brown and dropping and about a week later I started getting clouds of what I think are whitefly: small mite-sized, flying insects.

last year my crop was ruined by powdery mildew.So this year I treated periodically with sulfur powder and later sprayed with skim milk and water. A week or so before harvest, I noticed some powdery mildew in a few spots, but not enough to impact the crop. Likely, the milk/water mixture is not effective.

Anyway, I purchased some organic oil spray product over the weekend and spayed (twice) all ten plants hoping to get rid of the mites. (The label said it would be effective on grape vines and against whitefly.) However, the spraying seems to have had only minimal effect; and I need to do something else.

I still have plenty of sulfur powder available, but, since I have neighbors close-by, I would prefer to use something else.

Any thoughts or advice would be sincerely appreciated.

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