Where's my ginger wine?

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Jan 14, 2022
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Hocking Hills, OH
This was a "let's see what happens" 1 gallon batch.
Just racked from secondary. Good ferment, 1.090 to .990. I used 5 oz ginger cut into coins, half the sugar was brown, 1 cup raisins, 1 banana.
It tastes good so far BUT...it tastes like a banana wine!!!
No ginger flavor and just 1 banana?! Whiskey tango foxtrot??!!!

I can't get the old lady from the Wendy's ad out of my head - "Where's the ginger?"
That’s odd.

Though I usually chop up my ginger and only use grape juice or raisins for body. Never bananas.

The first couple batches I made were great. The last one was not as good so I have several bottles aging.

I grow my own ginger but it never matures so I use baby ginger. If I get the white grape harvest I expect, I’ll make another ginger with my own grape juice.

You don’t have any spice or bite? Maybe the banana will fade.
When I added ginger to a spice cider, I simmered the ginger slices for 10 min. and then added the ginger + water to the primary.

It might take simmering to get the flavor out of the ginger. Putting a few slices in secondary for a month or two might work as well.
When I added ginger to a spice cider, I simmered the ginger slices for 10 min. and then added the ginger + water to the primary.

It might take simmering to get the flavor out of the ginger. Putting a few slices in secondary for a month or two might work as well.
I poured hot water over the ginger and let it soak. Now that I think of it, the aroma wasn't as strong as I expected.

I'm going to buy more from a different store today, taste the wine again, and go from there.
You could try another one gallon batch with stronger ginger and leave out the banana. Then decide whether to blend. Or make a small ginger flavor boost for this gallon.

This time chop up the ginger more.
You could try another one gallon batch with stronger ginger and leave out the banana. Then decide whether to blend. Or make a small ginger flavor boost for this gallon.

This time chop up the ginger more.
I like crystallized ginger and have even made it twice. I noticed that some store bought is hot, almost too hot, and some is bland. It never really sunk in that there is a huge flavor difference in ginger - until now.

I'm buying more ginger this morning from a different store and will play around later.
ginger is commercially available as liquid and tooth paste tube, this is an easy test , :)
Ginger is strange anyhow. Maybe infuse it with a few slices in secondary or a few drops of squeezed ginger.
as an extract a 1 to 1.5 mm coin should contribute more bite for the first month.
banana is giving aromatics which are front note even before you taste the food,
ginger a longer lasting bite at 30 to 60 seconds, my bet is that the ginger flavor is there
I have made 3 batches (5 Gal each) of ginger wine which I, and my ginger loving friends, are in love with. I'm getting ready to start the 4th.

I use 11lbs sugar, 5oz of ginger powder, 15oz golden raisins, and filtered water to 5.25 gallons. (13.5%ABV) back sweetened with 16oz simple syrup.

Strong ginger flavor, cheap to make. Very tasty if you like ginger.

Ginger powder source: Amazon

Hey SuzyQ, I noticed that you might be new at this since you're new here so I thought I should add the following ingredients that I used:
Yeast Energizer 1TBS
Acid Blend 3TBS
yeast K1V-1116 (one packet)

Good luck!
Thank you again! I was curious but didn't want to bug you. I've ordered the ginger, different brand. Hope that wasn't a mistake. Do You bulk age or bottle? I think this would make a great blending wine as well.
As a recap, I had 5 oz of ginger in a 1 gallon batch, no ginger flavor. It was organic ginger.

I currently have a second 3 gallon batch of pear going. I added 4 oz ginger from a different store, not organic, and the flavor is VERY strong - I like it.

5 oz in 1 gallon, no flavor. 4 oz in 3 gal, strong flavor. I'll have to check country of origin on the tags in the future.
I always taste my ingredients. The flavor level can vary widely depending on variety, growing condition, and length/method of storage after harvest. That is the weakness of saying add X oz. of ginger. It depends on the specific ginger that you have.
I always taste my ingredients. The flavor level can vary widely depending on variety, growing condition, and length/method of storage after harvest. That is the weakness of saying add X oz. of ginger. It depends on the specific ginger that you have.
I totally agree. I taste everything, too. If I'm not happy about a flavor I'd be crazy to make wine with it.
Ginger is a bit odd, though. You can't really take a bite and swirl it around. Not easily at least.

Checked at the store today.The organic ginger was from Peru. Peru? Of all places....
For my own ginger wine I grated the fresh root after removing the skin. The only other thing I added was the juice of 2 blood oranges, and 3 lbs sugar. The usual chems acid blend , tannin, yeast nutrient, pectic enzyme and yeast