What's the best sanitizer for making wine?

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I brush wash and sanitize everything first with hot soapy water with bleach. Rinse well. Spray a little B-Brite inside carboys and swish around. Rinse. Spray a little Potassium Metabisulphite and swish that around and rinse well, then drain dry or mostly dry.

This might be over kill but skipping a step or not being sanitary will ruin a lot of wine, and you might not know until a year later. I even spray my hands, faucets, sink area etc. then rinse well.
Just picked up Star San. Whipped up a 5 gallon batch. Sanitized a bunch of equipment including a couple carboys. Stored it in an unused carboy. Dissolves completely (naturally). No film. Does not dry to a haze. So far so good.