What's is a "low" SG

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Senior Member
Jan 16, 2009
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What is the lowest SG that anyone as every seen?

I have a blueberry that is at .990 and still throwing CO2.....not a lot but enough for me to keep it in the carboy
0.990 is pretty low! The 'throwing CO2' could just be outgassing. Have you try 'degassing' (stirring it to get the bubbles out, or vacuum degassing)?

No harm letting it sit either!
Sounds like good advice i would tend to think fruit wines are a little gassy. Just degas really good then allow it to rest a couple more days and check it again.
Fly*guy said:
What is the lowest SG that anyone as every seen?

I have a blueberry that is at .990 and still throwing CO2.....not a lot but enough for me to keep it in the carboy
It's dry. What you see is degassing. Transfer and degas then add K-meta and sorbate and clear. What kind of wine is it?
Its only been a little more than a week in the secondary, so I wasn't to worried about it at this point.... more concerned with the fact that I was shooting for a ABV around 11 to 12% , and now I wonder if it will be conciderably higher.

Maybe not so bad, calculator says about 11.75%
Started at 1.078, now at .990
You are Right on TARGET with a 1.078 SG for fruit wine. I would do a f-pac and back sweeten.
You are on the right track.
Fruit wine are delicate. That being a high alcohol will overpower the fruit. 1.085 Is a good SG.
Remember more alcohol does not equate a better wine. You want "balance".
That was a good starting sg and it sounds like you are done fermenting. Degas and stabilize soon.
I'm new to this. What would make the SG go so low. I'm use to reading SG's going to .994 - .996. Is it simply the type of yeast used or do certain fruits naturally go lower, perhaps the combo?

Looking at my hydrometer chart .990 just adds 1.3% to the potential alcohol from the 1.0 SG level. I guess not that much really and only about .6 from the more common (I think) .995 SG level.

I read something on Jack Keller's site that grape juice needed about 10% alcohol to preserve it, but fruit wines needed 12% for protection, so to aim for 12-13% on everything to be safe.

If fruit wines flavor can easily be hurt by too much alcohol, where do you start the SG? And is there a way to know it will go to .990 instead of .998 or something else as that could make a difference.

I had thought I would always aim starting SG at between 1.090 - 1.100, but now I'm not sure.
Fruit wines should start @ 1.085. Some fruit wines can take a higher %but as a rule shoot for 1.085
I have had a peach wine that went as high as 14% ABV, it did come around but it took 6 months to get there... unfortunately, everyone loved it the way it was and I have,(had), no bottles to keep for "testing" down the road.
but as everyone said on this site, it came around and was very good BUT....
I don't think I want to take another fruit wine up to that level except my next endeavor... Blackberry, might try pushing that one to 15% - 16% ABV. I may even try to make a port out of it..... that is the fun of this hobby, never no which trial will be a good one.

General stick with what most of these guys say, stay around 1.085 with the fruits.
Works really well!

can I make your recipe for blackberry into port? is it heavy enough to do that?
By the way ... stabilized and started degassing the blueberry and also a Viognier tonight... thanks for the help folks.... back sweetened the blueberry to 1.010, about 12% abv, will let stand for a few months and see what I get.

Viognier is a new one for me, I heard it was more mellow than a Chardonnay, Stabilized it as well tonight and will finish degassing tomorrow.
Anyone try this yet?
Ordered one at the local restaurant the other day(3 or 4 star place), and they couldn't find the bottles that they had in there stock .... bummer!
Had a bottle of Merlot instead....

Guess I'll have to take one of mine down there when its ready

Clearing a batch of Acai Raspberry Cab Sauv, WOW I really like that one even when it is young, little sweet but very good flavor..
Thanks for the tips on the starting SG. Guess I will just have to experiment (drink a lot, LOL) to see what I like.