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Dang, my third entry today, and not a very happy one. As I was working in the winery, which is in the basement, I noticed something didn't look right. Aw, shoot, the sewer backed up again. I had snaked it less than a year ago with a light-duty snake. Decided I needed to go at it with a big snake. Off to Home Despot. I can barely lift the big one, I hate to admit. (It's about 200 lb.) It was a b!tch getting it home and to the basement. (Truth be told, I had to pay the snake out, then take the unit down the stairs, then bring the snake down afterwards. Then the reverse to get the thing out of the basement.) Anyway, I got the drain cleared and everything cleaned up. I can reassemble stuff tomorrow.:sl

I have the same issue here. My house was built in 1903 and I need to snake the sewers about every 18 months. Had aplumber come out 3 years ago. Pipes are all good and no roots but about 4 feet from my outside cleanout the terracotta pipe is shifted causing excrement to eventually collect. I can tell when it running slow from the floor drain in the cellar. Luckilly I have my own snake from when my parents owned rental property. I need to purchase another 25' of 1/2" cable. 50' is about 2' short to get through everything
We spent the last 6 days at Walt Disney World. Had a blast....it was good to get home. Today I racked the concord and fredonia. Going to start some blending soon. I really wish the 2013 fredonia was more like the 2012 fredonia. Not sure I'll be able make the same blends I wanted to...
and oh yea I forgot why I actually came to this thread lol I'm testing one of my experiments I have going on its the light tasting cab that was offered on ebay and I decided to experiment added 46 oz of Alexanders Sun Country concentrate along with the recommended additives, water to 6 gal total, added 1 cup of chopped raisins simmered down with 1 cup water and added oak I'm thinking this is comparable or as good as some of the Robert Mondavi I've had. The only thing is it could be a lil more dry but its not done bubbling yet! Can't wait for my big bro to taste this one! He is my official taster. And a big thanks to Joeswine and thinking outside the box!
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Well, more activity in the winery today. I racked my CC Rosso Fortissimo off the lees from clearing into a carboy for bulk aging. I also racked my CC Cabernet-Shiraz from secondary, degassed it, and then added fining agents and k-meta for the clearing stage.
Watched the series ender of how I met your mother and feel alittle cheated. It felt like the waisted away the whole season on the wedding then tried to shove the real season in the last episode.

Even the big twist was poorly done.
Ugh, Little Man is just getting over a nasty cold and pink eye - now Hubby and Wee One caught the pink eye.

...so disgusting...
Yard work. Grilled a nice strip steak for dinner. Then watched another episode of "The Americans". Good show!
Started my Chilean Cab Sauv (which I want to MLF). Tomorrow, I want to do some bench testing. I'd like to take the 3 1/2 gallons of Crab Apple, blend with 2 gallons of Apple and a gallon of Catawba. Backsweeten and taste.

Got side tracked today having to do invoices from a training I did last Friday and had dinner out with my wife (who was 20 minutes late).
Finally got to sit back with a glass of strawberry DB, chill, and watch some Breaking Amish. Did my weekly grocery shopping and am once again pleased. I spent about $140 and saved about $100 using coupons, sales, phone apps, etc.

Even managed to start up a triple batch of blackberry DB tonight. I'm so super excited because the last batch was gone before I could even blink.
Well turned 27 today. Started the day with beer and cookies in bed. Played hooky from work. Had steak for lunch. So far it's been a good day. PB jr is about to be shipped off to my parents for a couple of hours too.

All in all a great day
Well turned 27 today. Started the day with beer and cookies in bed. Played hooky from work. Had steak for lunch. So far it's been a good day. PB jr is about to be shipped off to my parents for a couple of hours too.

All in all a great day

Happy Birthday, sounds like you are enjoying the day!
So far so good. PB jr had a doctors appointment so that's how I wiggled out of work. My dad started to cuss me out about not working but I ignored him. The growing year just started so no need to panic just yet.

Most years I all but forget it's my birthday. This year was a nice change of pace
Spent the day in a workshop on PA School Laws. While did learn a couple of things, I think is was pretty pathetic that I had to continuously correct the presenters on the outdated info they keep wanting to give!
Pa as in Pennsylvania?

My county actually just passed a bylaw limiting each household to a maximum of 5 house cats. Made me chuckle.
Yes PA is Pennsylvania, lol, thanks for asking. I need to take into consideration that not all members are from the Stares. Actually I wonder if you Canadians are not neck to neck with those in the US.

Lol, seriously on the cats? I think my grandfather had a freakin army of cats on his farm.
Just racked WS super Tuscan to secondary. Added just a quarter piece of French medium oak spiral to it. Thinking of adding a quarter piece to the Pinot noir I have bulking.

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I actually tune into 2 radio stations from Erie. We are just a hop and a skip across the lake. I remember being a kid and seeing the fireworks on the 4th of July across the water. They where pretty small but I could still see em lol.